Saturday, June 1, 2013

Hillsborough River and Saint Joseph Sound

Greetings from the Palm Court Motel in Dunedin, Florida.  Rain falling as I begin today's  Yak Tale at 6:30 PM.  Hopefully, that means a nice sunset.
 Got on the River 12 hours ago.  Well, almost. 6:43 AM. Usual spot, Trout Creek Park.  Had to wait for a Hillsborough County Ranger to open the gate.  I was third in line.  Canoer and runner ahead of me.

Turkey.  Sun still behind the trees.

The canoers were fishing, so once past them, I had the River to myself

The hog was across from Nature's Classroom.  Just before the channel narrows, and the trees form a canopy over the River.  There was a second, same size, but black.

The oval shape is a deer's butt.  There were two. Saw two more, or maybe th same pair, a bit later.
 Alligator eyes

 Saw the first people since the guys fishing from their canoe just before reaching Morris Bridge.  Two kayakers coming down River.  A jon boat is ahead in the above photo.  It was 8:26 AM

Close up

I rarely get photos of an alligator walking, legs extended.  This one was just getting more comfortable.
 Turned around and laid back down

 Had to zoom out to get the great egret.  With tri colored heron, limpkin, and roseate spoonbill.

Approaching Sargeant Park, 10:12 AM.  I continued paddling up the Hillsborugh.  Another option is to paddle up the Flint River.  They meet, here.

The "obstacles" are fallen trees.  Not alligators.
 I think. Did not portage over, turned back.

 Approaching the Sargeant Park landing, 10:41. Landed, had a sandwich and two cookies.  Saw a Canoe Escape employee giving paddling tips to a family group, so I headed down the canal at 10:59

More to come. Time to clean up, pack, and yak. See ya tonight.
7:29 PM, Sunday as I continue.

I see a red Canoe Escape rental in the above photo.  I was trying to not get to close to the people ahead, yet ahead of the people behind.  My plan failed when I kayaking couple ahead of me were paddling at the same pace as I.  Hate when that happens. I usually pass people.  I waited for them to get ahead, once I could no longer hear people behind me.

I can't remember if I noticed the alligator when I took the above picture.

Morris Bridge, 12:30.  Just as I was passing the launch area, the couple from earlier got back in their kayaks   Once again,  paddling at the same pace I was.  I picked up the pace, and left them behind.

There were more people than usual on the Morris Bridge to Trout Creek portion of the paddle.  More is fewer than ten.
 It was a good day for black crowned night herons.  Like their counterparts on the Silver River, Hillsborogh River BCHNs are used to paddlers.  At other places I've been, Myakka River, Sanibel Island, Cedar Key, they tend to fly away.

I could not get closer to the spoonbill as I guy was fly fishing from his paddle board  I did not want to get between him and his casts. Which meant giving him a wide berth as fly fishermen whip the line far behind them before laying it on the water.

 Return to Trout Creek Park, 1:55.  Paddled up Trout Creek.

A big, not THE BIG alligator that I have seen in Trout Creek on a few occasions


I think this is where I turned back. (above)

Terrific Trout Creek

Landed around 2:55.  8 hours after I began.  Time for a bike ride.

Short one. The turn around stats.  It began to rain.

Just two other bikers, and a hiker on the trail.

 The rain stopped
Final figures for a short, scenic ride. But, again, I had just padded 8 hours.  And, I had told the proprietor at the Palm Court Motel that I would arrive at 5:30.  My GPS suggested one route, but I wanted to take the scenic one across the Courtney Campbell Causeway.  Which led to the usual traffic jam in Tampa.  On a Saturday afternoon. Unfrapping believable.
 Scenic route
 It rained
 Let up
I arrived at 5:35.

65 bucks with a full kitchen.  Hard to beat that.  I took advantage of the kitchen and cooked dinner.  My usual weekend away from home fare. Steak, potato, and corn on the cob.  Began this Tale.  Great wi fi  Faster than my set up at home.
2.3 miles to the Causeway linking Dunedin to Honeymoon Island.  Well less, 2.3 miles to where I launched at 7:45, into St. Joseph Sound.  Thanks to the earlier rain, the Causeway was nearly empty.

Paddled thorough Hurricane Pass
 Into the Gulf of Mexico

Did not tarry long in the Gulf.  Good sized waves.  And, getting dark.  Not just because the sun was setting.  Surfed the rollers back through Hurricane Pass.  A lightning bolt flashed to the northwest.

 There is a dolphin in the photo below

The large building is a concession at Honeymoon Island State Park

Landed at 8:40.  The brightly colored kayaks at Sail Honeymoon were a welcome navigational aid.  Rain began to fall after I had the kayak on the roof.  Hard rain for a couple hours.  Good timing on a great day.  Just one drawback.  The TV in my unit is not situated so I could watch the NBA playoffs and compose this Tale.  So, I just listened as the Pacers forced Game 7.

1 comment:

Well, I tried to allow Anonymous postngs. As soon as I did, I had the same problem with the same person/spammer posting comments. One jerk spoils it for all. So,you'll need to register to post a comment.