Thursday, July 4, 2013

July 4, 3 Waterways

Blackwater Creek, above, Wekiva River, St. Johns River. Saw a deer just before the hunt check station  as I entered the Seminole State Forest.
 Underway just before 8.  Biker on the bridge over Blackwater Creek.  First, and last, person I would see until I was on the Wekiva River.

Alligator dive

I saw pigs, twice.  2 or 3 the first time.  Then one. I had gone past it.  Paddled back to get a picture as the porker posed.  Until a 2nd one ran into the scene, and both escaped my lens.

I viewed this barrier from the other side, Sunday.  Today, I went back and forced my way through the emergent vegetation in a little cove.
 Made it through and entered the Wekiva River

Three boats on the Wekiva. One on the bank, the other two going slowly in the Manatee Zone.  I did not see any manatees. Did see a turkey, pointed out by one of the boaters.

Osprey, too bad not a bald eagle on Independence Day
St. Johns River.  Just a brief look. Windy, and fast moving boats. Turned back at 11:15.

Three swallowtail kites wheeled high above the Wekiva. I got a picture of a adolescent blue heron

Blackwater entrance.  A boat had just passed.  That made 8, 4 were on the St. Johns.
 Punched my way through the greenery again
See the gator?
 Now you do

Stopped for lunch at 12:55
 Bear poop.  I saw a bear here on an past holiday. Christmas Eve, 2010
No bear today
 Isthmus.  Second most famous one.  After Madison. What, you were thinking Panama?

 Had to push thorough two or three patches of overgrowth
Leaving Lower Wekiva State Preserve, back to the Seminole State Forest

I think the alligators ate all the birds.  Seen, but not pictured, or mentioned earlier, yellow crowned nigh heron, wood ducks, great egret, red shouldered hawk, pileated woodpecker, vultures.


The last four pictures are of two alligators. There were a lot out. Twice as many as I have photos.  Blackwater Creek is not a paddle for those skeered of alligators.  They will jump off the banks, or pop up in front of the kayak.  Just remember, they are more afraid of you.

Landed just after 3. Sat at the picnic table, had a cookie an nectarine, loaded the kayak, and got on the bike.
 Got off the bike, and walked path to Moccasin Spring

We have had a lot of rain lately, but nothing like the spring of 2010 when the campsite was flooded Easter weekend.  I seem to spend a lot of holidays in the Forest
 Blackwater Creek
Back on the bike
 Deer on left

 In April, there was no green in the above clearing. A dry spring, in contrast to 2010.

Off the bike, walk to Shark Tooth Spring

 Sharks tooth, squared.

 Add about .15 to the 5.96, the odometer was fully in the cradle at the start of the ride.
Locked the gate behind me, 4:50 PM. I'll be back tomorrow.  After work.  My permit is goof through August 3rd

To my surprise and delight, I saw two fireworks shows from my back yard.

No idea what community or private group was doing them.  One was due east, the other , northeast.  Neither the City of Winter Park, nor Maitland,  have displays  As far as I know.

1 comment:

  1. So all the gators were on the Wekiva and the Blackwater Creek. Happy 4th Master Dave.


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