Saturday, December 14, 2013

Sanibel Saturday

The view from 16D, Shell Island Beach Club.  The kiteboarder is not Aaron,  He, Elena, and Olivia arrive tomorrow.
I arrived at the Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge before 10.  Could have, should have paused for a better white pelican photo.  There were several flocks.  But, I was eager to get on the water.
On the water at 10:20, from my usual spot, the 2nd put in along Wildlife Drive
 Into the "lake"
To Pine Island Sound.
 Past the Wulfert Keys Trail, the power line right of way, is a narrow bay. I entered it to get out of the wind.


Saw a pair of bald eagles, along with several osprey. No eagle pics.
 Bridge to the Caloosa Shores subdivision.  Off of Wildlife Drive. Below.






 Hooded merganser, I believe.
Reentering the channel along Wildlife Drive. Saw manatee at the entrance to the "lake" from the Sound, and again just before this photo.  To windy, and just brief appearances, so no photos.



The island across from the Observation Tower

 Hoped to see spoonbills, having seen them here before. Did not spot any.  Should have stopped and taken a picture of the six or so I saw in a drainage ditch alongside Six Mile Parkway on the drive in

Magnificent frigate bird

 Landed at 1:42
New arch at the Visitors Center. I went to fill a water bottle and cup at a distilled water dispenser.  Nice feature.  Dropped the cup.  Into a construction area.  No loss.  Just a gas station soda cup I've reused for several months.  Could not retrieve it as it was inside a Do Not Cross tape.

Got to the Shell Island Beach Club shortly after 2:30.  My brother and most of his family were already there, having flown in Friday, and staying at a hotel in Fort Myers.

My brother has 2 units this week.  I am in the UP.  I call it that as there are 3 buildings separated from the main complex.  Have all to my self this first day.  Joined by my sister and her fiancée, niece and her family later today, (Sunday)
 I talked to the kiteboarder.  Before he took off. He said the gusty wind made it difficult.  It would stop, leaving him stranded, unable to get back.  I did not go into details. I suppose he landed, and walked back.  My nephew, Aaron is a big kite boarder.  I should clarify that.  Eleana's husband.  I have two nieces who ate married to Aarons.

Cocktails, snacks, and good company pool side

 As the Beach Club as at the southeast end of the island, its not a good sunset spot.  Still, the setting sun, which is in the other direction, paints pretty pictures.



A reminder as to where I was. And will be through early Thursday.

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