Sunday, December 15, 2013

Sanibel Sunday

Sanibel sunrise stroll.

It was drizzling. Price to pay for a rainbow. 


Unable to capture the dolphins, I saw two, either from the fishing pier, or later, as I walked back to the condo.  One surfaced very close to shore.
 The bird mentioned earlier, as the rain let up.
White pelicans from Wildlife Drive
 I launched from the first kayak launch site.  Had never used it before. There are two.  For several years after Hurricane Charley in 2004, there was no sign at the first location. That changed a couple years ago, and with the recent repaving project, there is a wider, gravel shoulder. Not very wide, nor long.  About 4 car lengths.


There was a very large ibis rookery.
Many more hidden in the mangroves






 There are a maze of channels and islands.  I made sure I was never more than two turns past a No Motorized Boats sign, the one with the pelican on it, so I would find my way back.
Landed at 12:30
 From the road

Back on the water from the usual spot.


Wulfert Keys


 Osprey and more osprey.  Was that an eagle in the distance.
 Paddled over to the Wulfert Keys







The Wulfert Keys are no Mullet Head Island as far as variety, but have plenty of pelicans, cormorants and anhingas

Snowy egrets back on the "lake"
 Landed at 12:50
 Wildlife Drive raccoon
Beach wildlife.  Family and a friend.


 Nephew, Jack.
His buddy, Matt.
 Took the above picture at halftime.  With the Pack down, 26-3, I said the sun had set on the Packers playoff hopes.
Olivia knew they would turn it around.  Perfect ending to a great day.

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