Sunday, April 27, 2014

Haulover Canal, and more

"More" including a Florida Scrub Jay on my hat on the Scrub Ridge Trail.  I was wearing the hat.
 Had to work Saturday, April 26, to make up for a half day the previous Tuesday.  The better half spent at Myakka River State Park.  Underway from the end of the dirt road on the northwest side of the Haulover Canal drawbridge, at 12:45.
Paddled to Mullet Head Island
 Surprised to see white pelicans this late in the year.
Composing this a week later, from Cedar Key, I did not see any today.

White pelicans and spoonbills. A good day already


 Dolphin.  Look harder, its there

 Better view


The dolphin was at the entrance to the Canal. On the left as you paddle east
 I always try to check out the dead end canals south of Haulover

It had been a while since I saw a manatee here.


 This curious fellow was in Bairs Cove






To windy for more than a peak at Mosquito Lagooon
 This is the sheltered area behind a chain of islands

 At the Manatee Overlook


Back to Bairs Cove







 Went out to Mullet Head a second time.  The wind died down, so I thought I'd get more, and maybe better photos.


As I continue this Tale 8 days after it happened, I can report white pelicans are still at Cedar Key as of May 3.









 Nice to have zoom

Not sure when I landed, as mentioned above, the time stamp is the same for all the photos.  Stopped at the Scrub Ridge Trail.  Which, in addition to scrub, low trees, has water.

The sought after Florida scrub jay

Found on finer baseball caps.
The claws aren't bad, but once it began to peck, I shook it off.

It, or another, jump back on my noggin.  More pecking,  I again shook it off.  Nothing inside this nut.

Next stop, Orlando Wetlands Park

A hand written sign stated, "Closes at 7:50"  My memory tells me that was 20-30 minutes from when I arrived.
 Fugitive from Lake Eola? That's the park in downtown Orlando that has swans.

The eagle was a long way off.  32x zoom is great


Ending the day with a cardinal.  Not a bad collection of photos for half a day.

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