Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Myakka River, Last Day. Till Next Time

Last day at Myakka River State Park.  Had to be a work at 5 PM, so needed to make the most of the morning.
 I had wondered where the moon was while stargazing, Monday night.  Guess it rose late. Or, early.

As I write this on Thursday, May 1, 9 days after Tuesday, April 22, I think it is good I have photos to refresh my memory.

I went for a bike ride

Myakka mist

 Powerline Road

Hog trap

Crossroad.  I took a road off my route.
 Worth it
My tire tracks in the dew
 Ranch House Road
Because, there was a ranch house here.

 I was not aware this was a fawn when I took the picture. Love the zoom.


Another deer


 another deer movie

 Kayak launch at the bridge.  Stones where the asphalt wore away.  The tricky footing is were it is narrow.  And, uneven.
Back to the cabin at 8:40
 Not a spider, water pack
I think the cabins would be more available if right wingers who think all government programs are bad were not allowed to rent them.
 Leaving at 10:43. Turned in the key, than to the Outpost to launch there. It was packed.  Who knew there were so many Catholics in Florida.  The late Easter extended spring break.  There is a stone covered launch area on the canal at the rental concession.  As parking near there was full, I put it at the boat ramp at the end of the canal.  A sand/dirt spot next to it.  Parked the car under a live oak,
Underway at 11:17

After seeing so much on my bike ride along Upper Myakka Lake, Monday, I decided to view it from the water.
 Black necked stilt


Roseate spoonbills









Glossy ibis




Those were spoonbills I saw from the birdwalk, Monday
Give me a kayak over binoculars any day


 Looking for where the Myakka River enters Lower Myakka Lake.  Did not have time to find it.




Both Park air boats boo, hiss, were full

Not sure what time it was when I landed as all photos now are time stamped 11:03 PM

Had a sandwich before leaving

A final stop to change in the historic CCC restroom, avoiding the mobs at the outpost. Left at 2:30, at work just after 5.
I'll be back July 2.

1 comment:

  1. Let me know next time you plan to kayak at the Myakka. I would like to join you there as you know the area and spots very well. Have always been a little apprehensive about kayaking there without knowing the areas where the big gators are. :)


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