Monday, April 21, 2014

Myakka, Ringling, Little Sarasota Bay

Sarasota Bay is behind David.
 Monday began on the bike at 7:30

Deer and alligators by 7:35

Off the bike.

 I am not sure if other Parks have the four color educational signs, instead of the old black letters on gold background.
Canopy walkway

 Nice to be here before the Park opened.

 View from above
 Distant birds at max zoom




A short loop nature trail starts near the walkway 

Turkey on the right side of the boardwalk 
Deer on the left



Resurrection  fern
 Appropriate for the day after Easter
 Walkway through the trees




 Back to Cabin 1 Wondering why it has a number 3

 Had rice and beans for breakfast. In the cabin, so no critters got a taste. Then, left one historic structure for another.
The John and Mable Museum of Art is free on Mondays.  Thanks to a stipulation in the circus magnate's will

There should be a Motion W on the red flag

Just the Art Museum is free, if you want to go inside the Circus Museum, you have to pay.

Lovely grounds

Bring my kayak

 Pretty, but too high to put the kayak in.





 A map/guide, handed to me by a docent as I entered, states that the grounds are always free. Nice place to visit if you are in Sarasota.  And, like me, poor.


Into the galleries
Not a rendering of the construction of the Ringling.


 Plenty of room for Frisbee in the courtyard

Found some nature paintings. Worthy of Dave's Yak Tales

 Natural scene on a harpsichord.  Nice, but nothing to lose you head over.  Background painting of Marie Antoinette




 Having an art museum on the water means wildlife with the art.  Being from Milwaukee, I think all art museums are on the water'
Last Ringling photo, 11:58. Could have stayed much longer, but it was time to kayak
Drove south, to Turtle Beach. On the water at 12:51. The beach is on one side, the launch area on the other of a narrow peninsula

Pelicans and green herons in the mangroves near the launch

I will guess this is a natural waterway, now dredged for large pleasure boats and housing.


Into Little Sarasota Bay




















Landed at 3:45. Launching, and parking, are free, but you have to park across the street 
 On the Gulf of Mexico

 Standing on the top of the dune, the kayak launch above, and the Gulf Beach, below.
Headed back to Myakka River State Park
 Had a Cigar City Winter Warmer to go with my seafood chowder at the Outpost
 I had thought of eating in Sarasota, but why, with this view
 Watching bald eagles fly by
 To the car, to get a bike

 Biking along Upper Myakka Lake


 Turkeys from the birdwalk
Distant birds. Folks with binoculars said there were spoonbills
I had to take their word for it





 Spoonbill at dusk






Last photo, 8:06.  A walk above the trees, a walk thorough masterpieces, kayaking, a nice snack, and a sunset bike ride, I call that a full day.  Speaking of full, I had a very nice buzz from the beer at the Outpost.  When I got home, I did some research.  11% ABV. That explains it.

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