Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Lake Virginia

A very short paddle this Wednesday morning.  Not planned that way.
 Under way from Dinky Dock at 8:47, so it would be a short paddle.
 A brown pelican was on the Lake.
And I got the dreaded white screen.
Video works

Fiddled with different settings, most of the time I got polar bears in snowstorms

Using the zoom usually led to the whiteout.


On occasion the camera worked

Worked for a while at the anhinga and great blue heron roost.

Took a video to be sure

I am going to Myakka River State Park, Saturday through Tuesday.  I very much want to have a working camera.  This one, after working again, went back to the whiteness.
 So, wanting time to shop for a new one before work, I landed at 9:40.
Before the SUP Navy launched.  With more boards on the way.
I ordered the latest version of the camera I have. It has twice the zoom.  I may be, no I am a fool, as the whiteout has been a problem with at least one generation of this model.  Maybe it has been fixed in the new one.  I also hope it fits in my waterproof case.  If not, I ordered a cheap, generic one.  If I wasn't going away for the weekend, I may have spent more time, shopping.  But, too late, I paid for next day shipping and hopefully it will be here Thursday.
I did get a protection plan on the camera I have but figured that would take too much time.  There may be an issue as to whether or not it is covered as last time there were delivery issues, I wound up with two cameras, one of which was later stolen. I'll figure it out, later.
Never a dull moment.

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