Sunday, April 13, 2014

Rock Springs Run and Wekiva River

Rock Springs, the source of Rock Springs Run.  Can't get here by kayak.  After Saturday's paddle on all of the Run that can be paddled, I wanted to see the final portion. Or rather, the beginning.  In Kelly Park, an Orange County facility.  I have been here before, but not since February, 2007.  Before Dave's Yak Tales.
 Turkeys as I drove in. 8:36. $3.00 entry fee.

In the water at 8:57.  A father-daughter tubing pair got in just before me.  Dad flipped as he tried to show daughter how to get in.
 I would have liked to be first, but can't always have things the way I want.  Or can I?  A person walking up the Run.  I hate walkers. Stirs up the bottom.  I looked up.  "I lost my glasses".  I would think they would be going downstream.  I did not see any glasses as I began to go down Run, no one in front of me.

The narrow Run open into a pool area.  I read, somewhere, that there once was a dam on that land.  Can't find wear I read it, but that explains the pool area
Big snapper.  Used to people, took a while to back away.



I was on the other side of this bridge, in the kayak, Saturday.  Out of the water at 9:15.  Now I have explored all of Rock Springs Run.  I have before, but not in a 24 hour period.
Down Run view

And up
Back to the Spring
Steps to the Spring
 I had a nice chat with a gentleman as I gathered my stuff.  The walk back from the end of the swim seemed different.  The wood boardwalk has been closed.  Too many people getting hurt, the guy said.  Splinters and nails on bare feet is my guess.
These wooden rails remind me of Hubbard Park in Shorewood.  On the Milwaukee River.
 There is a campground, one of the sites is below.
45 minutes later, I was launching the kayak at Katie's Landing.
Down the Wekiva.
It was windy, so it was nice that the way was open on the west side of the River.  More protected.  Saw a glossy ibis.





 Anhinga. aka snake bird
 Palm Sunday

In Florida, pre-Columbian cultures are identified by their pottery. Will future archaeologists say 20th century North America began with the can opener culture, followed by the short lived pop top culture, 1967-1981, followed by the pull tab culture?



I expected to see many alligators on a sunny afternoon.  I did not.  Saw another baby, earlier.  It slid of a log into the water before I got a pic.  Only it was not a log, it was mama.  I took a picture, but got the dreaded white screen.  Oh oh, that happened with the last camera.

This might be wear I turned back. Two motor boats went up River, one down.  So, instead of being behind 2, I trailed one. Past the campsite, not to Blackwater Creek




 Turkey at Wekiva Haven


Landed at 2:18.   3.5 hours on the River.  Good to have a short day after Saturday's 10 hour epic.


  1. Hello Dave,

    Some nice underwater pics for a change. Good to read that you finally went to explore Kelly Park again. And were Lucky enough to catch a bog snapper too.

    We have been coming to Kelly Park every year since 2006 and Always make sure to be first in the water, right after the parks opens at 8 am. Never had the luck of seeing a snapper though......

    The Orlando area has been our holiday destination from Europe (Netherlands) for over 25 years and we love the area. In the last 15 years or so we never visit the theme parks anymore, but do frequent the nature parks. Also thanks to your beautiful photo's and funny stories. Thank you for being our travel guide to natural Florida!


    BTW: have you ever been to Highlands Hammock State Park near Sebring? We have heart some great stories about that park as well and will probably visit next month.

  2. Went to Highlands Hammock years ago. 15? 20? Nice hiking trails and scenic boardwalk as I recall.
    No kayaking.


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