Sunday, April 13, 2014

Rock Springs Run

I had not paddled all the way up Rock Springs Run since October, 2012.  So I decided to do it today.
Tri colored heron at the canoe/kayak beach.  Underway at 7:07


An alligator crosses the mist shrouded lagoon

Down the Wekiva River


Otter in cypress


 Approaching Rock Springs Run, 7:43


Limpkin and chick. This may have been the coolest moment out of 10 hours on the water

Finding a clam, breaking it open, and giving it to its chick.


 A friend, Luis? Frances? recently posted a photo of a yellow crowned night heron doing the pointy feather thing.  I just missed it.  Going limp, above.


 A big doe was in the area below.  I raised the camera, but it was not on.  By the time it was, just the head was showing as the doe walked into the forest.  I missed it.





I had beautiful Rock Springs Run to myself for over two hours

Saw the first down Run paddlers earlier than I expected.  Looked at the Kings Landing website.  They open at 7.  That explains that.  And charge $10.00! to launch.  A new winner in the most expensive launch contest.  Passing Tarpon Bay Explorers on Sanibel Island by 3 dollars.  Having a monopoly must nice.

They are closed Mondays and Tuesdays. I will make note of that when I'm retired.

Down Run traffic wasn't to bad. At first.  14 boats, in several groups.  After a while, I stopped counting as canoe after kayak after canoe came down the Run.


The sign marks the entrance to Wekiwa Springs State Park. Private land beyond it.

Don't tell anyone, but the most beautiful part of Rock Springs Run is up stream from Kings Landing.
 And, less crowded on a Saturday.  Except this Saturday.  But the first couple coming down stream told me it was open all the way up, and the second, and last, let me take a picture of a spider as I let them pass on the narrow stream


Beyond this point, only tubing and swimming. It was 11:40

 The misnamed, "Third Landing". No landing, or launching.  The bridge that ended my upstream paddle is "Second Landing".



 I wanted to stop at a spot in the middle of the Run where three trees split it in two.  A deer stand on one.  Shallow, so I could get out of the kayak, stand and have a sandwich.  But, some people were there.  So I kept going. 
Stopped here. Just a muddy bank.  Those are the paddlers who had been at the other spot.  I ate my sandwich, as another canoe came up the Run. Struggling somewhat, I figured they would not get past a tree you need to duck under.  So, I got back in the kayak before they came back.


The dark water is the canal leading to the Kings Landing  launch.  It was 12:30. I had hopes that my up Run excursion would mean most people were far down the Run, as I think the last haul back is at 4:00.  Alas, a boisterous group came out of the canal just as I arrived.

I waited until they got of sight and sound.

My pace became less than turtle like as I waited for a family who was waiting for the loud group to get ahead of them.

I let a hard charging couple in a tandem pass me

Not 2 to go, but 2 from Kings Landing.  I assume.

 Duckweed covered gator

Saw another deer.   Unlike the one who posed as I fumbled with the camera, this one, well hidden, ran off the moment I noticed it.



 Whenever I saw the family group, I'd hang back.  Eventually, I caught, and passed them.

Caught up to the loud group at a high spot left side just before Indian Mound Camp. One canoe had tipped over.  Did not surprise me.

Did not see any limpkin chicks in the afternoon.  Perhaps they were napping.

Confluence, Rock Springs Run, Wekiva Run, Wekiva River



Landed at 5:20.  Another 10 hour day on the water.
 The penny was picked out of the water when I launched way back at 7:06. Rode with me the entire way.  Under the bungees.  The lucky penny is in my dry bag, now.

For some reason, I was too tired for a bike ride, so I drove to Sand Lake.

Short walk around the "lake".  Saw a deer.
 This deer is on the drive out.

1 comment:

  1. Classic Rock Springs Run. Now I can continue my day. Thanks!!!!!


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