Sunday, August 3, 2014

Blackwater Creek

On the water at 9:05.   Traffic jam on the way.

Went down Creek



My plan was to paddle to the area where I saw bears on Saturday.  Did not have to go that far.  Crashing on my right.  Did not see what was pushing the small trees and whatnot back, but it had to be a bear.  Deer are much more graceful, and hogs grunt.
 Less than a minute later, noise on the left side. Steady, not running.  Small splashes as it walk through the swamp.   I saw this bear.  Headed the same direction I was.  Got ahead of it, wedged the yak between some cypress roots.  The bear paused, turned its head, looked at me, and ran. No picture.

 Boundary. Leaving Seminole State Forest. Entering Lower Wekiva State Preserve.
Turned back at 10:15




Good thing this anhinga posed or else I would only have insect photos for wildlife on the Creek.

Back to the bridge, I paddled on



Turned back a little past noon.

Stopped at the Moccasin Springs campsite.  Not much use this time of year.  Grass growing in the fire ring.

Some asshole built a fire next to the spring.


No bears or deer were seen

 Hopefully, I'll be back here to camp, soon.  But not too soon.

 I heard splashing.  Deer? Bear?   Oh, a kayaker. Only one I saw in three days,

Landed at 1:15
Stopped at the West Spur and went for a walk.


Storm brewing

End of the road

Hiding sand hill crane


 The East Spur. I drove it on Saturday. Today's walk took 25 minutes
The second gopher tortoise seen from the car. The first one scurried quickly into its burrow. I bet does not have a crack in its shell.

Final stop.  Bear Pond


No bears seen on a fifteen minute walk around the pond.
I did not go out on the metal fishing pier.  A thunderstorm unleashed its fury.  I was furious as stupid drivers who don't turn their lights on in a storm as I drove home.

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