Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Seminole State Forest Bike Ride

I missed another bear. That makes ten, since Saturday.  I am trying to convince myself I see its hindquarters disappearing into the pines.   I was at the entrance gate. Got out of the car to unlock it and the bear was waking across the road.  Stupid me did not have the camera around my neck. Back to the car to get it.  Took the above picture.  I think it was around the curve.  I jogged up the road a few steps, then thought it would be better to drive.  To the car unlock the gate, drive through, lock it behind me, slowly drive.  Of course, the bear was long gone.
2.5 miles to the kayak launch.  Launched my bike at 6:14

 I did the Loop Road loop, then north on Pine Road to the Florida Trail campsite.
And walked to Shark Tooth Spring

Walk back to the bike.  Foot traffic only on the Florida National Scenic Trail


Next stop, the Observation Blind

I have yet to observe any wildlife from the blind.  Saw a deer in the clearing, once. From the road.
 Looking low for deer
High for bears
 I walked from the road to the blind. There are no biking bans, as far as I know.  I have biked to it in the past, but the path was in better shape.  I am willing to bet that a lot of people see the Florida Trail orange blaze, and follow it.  The Florida Trail intersects the path.  If you see the bent sapling above, you are headed the right way to the blind.

The only critters I saw were rabbits.  Had I seen a deer, or bear, and stopped, using the rear brake, the likely would have ran.  It is squeaking very loudly.
 Back to the launch site, 56 minutes after I left.  Odometer reads 5.51 miles. I think it is on the high side.
A family fished.
 Took  detour down the East Spur on the way out.
Which had me driving off into the sunset when I turned around/

Missed a deer, here. With the camera, not the car.

Sunset at Bear Pond


Moon in the sky
Reflecting on the pond


A cardinal saved me from a wild life photo shut out. This will be my last visit for a while, as my permit expires Friday.  Hopefully, I will be camping in October.  I also have a Shark Tooth video to add, once I delete enough pics on the memory card to download it.  I think I have deleted at least 100 already.

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