Saturday, August 16, 2014

Cedar Key, August 16. 2014

On the Gulf in time for sunrise this morning.
 On the water at 6:55

Sunrise, behind Dog Island, 7:01

I thought the great blue heron on the channel marker was good for composition.

 To the Number 2 Channel

 High tide. You know what that means.
Time to look for roseate spoonbills
 If you did not know that, welcome to Dave's Yak Tales.
Caught the last of a small flock flying overhead


The flock was the largest contingent of spoonies I saw.

Paddling through the mangroves, looking for beautiful birds is a fine way to spend a Saturday morning
 Young, and adult, black crowned night herons.
They, and spoonbills, look like characters on Saturday morning cartoons




Landed at 8:30. My car was still the only one in the beach/launch parking area
View from 331, 8:47.  10:20 now.  A shower just passed.  Time to pack a lunch and get back in the kayak.
Under way, again, at 10:59.
Past Dock Street, out towards Astena Otie Key


 Seas a light chop, no dark clouds, looked like a good day to make the voyage to Seahorse Key.
 Seahorse Key
Grassy Key
 40 minute later, Seahorse Key
Saw a dolphin at the inlet to the lighthouse dock. I did not go into the inlet.



 Magnificent frigate bird
Seeing the red in the mangroves, I thought, those spoonbills are bright.


Not spoonbills.  Male magnificent frigate birds looking to get laid.






First, or last? white pelican of the winter.





 Tide was out.  I was between Seahorse Key and the wading great egrets

Saw two bonnet head sharks in the shallows.  The have the odd shaped head, like a hammerhead, but curved.  Small.


There is only room for two cormorants on a sign.  Twice, I saw a third try to land.  Both times, the odd bird out was rebuffed.
 Back way to the lighthouse

 I was going to land.  Eat a sandwich.  But, I decided to paddle around the bend, and then, land.


One problem with my lunch plan.  Once I was around the bend, it was a long walk to the beach due to the tide.
 So, I did not stop.  Had a plum and granola bar on the way back.
Attempt to photo a sea turtle.  Saw two. Maybe three, I forget.


Landed just past 2:30

331, from the kayak at water's edge.  I ate the delayed sandwich. Better toasted, anyway.  Composed Yak Tales, shared photos, until it was time to bike to Sandy's Produce.
Checking in on the kayak.
 A house I never noticed before. Probably because the live oak keeps it private.

Halfway there, I realized I did not have my wallet.   Went back to get it.



You don't need a kayak to see spoonbills and more in Cedar Key


 Did dinner prep.  Filling kettles with water and placing them on the stove.  But first, I drove back to Sandy's.  The clams have a very pungent aroma.   Far more aromatic than I have experienced.  I was told this is normal for this time of year.  They are spawning.  As long as the shells stay closed, they are fine.
6:18, out to sea.

Number 2 Channel
 Too low to safely navigate to one of my spoonbill spots


Coming back

Wooden post in a small mangrove islet. From the old RR? Telephone, or maybe, telegraph pole?

Nature's Landing, landing. 

Tide had come in a little bit, I paddled past the wreck. Felt one of the oyster bars with my paddle, not with the bottom of the kayak.





25 minutes to sunset






 Had to look behind me in the Channel to see the sun going down

Out of the Number 2 Channel



 Landed at 8:13
Ready to serve dinner, an hour later. Pasta, tomato sauce, garlic, pepper, red onion, green pepper, butter, shrimp, and stinky clams.

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