Sunday, August 17, 2014

Cedar Key Sunday

Got up and out for the sunrise this morning.
 Not from the kayak.  From a bench on the seawall.  Maybe I should stand up.
That's better
 Moved to the floating dock at the old boat ramp for a different perspective


Another vantage point

Went back to bed, but not to sleep.  Less than an hour later, back outside for a walk.




 Cedar Key skyscraper

 Tabby display.  The oyster shell based material used to build some of the early buildings in Cedar Key.





I was trying to concentrate on doors


 Purple plants at the Park Place picnic area
My door. Kind of bland.
 Balcony knicknaks

Above 80 at 8:30.  Breakfast was inside.
 Checked out at 11. On the water at 11:24

Dolphin off Dog Island

There were about 5 of them.

This appears to be new lease site. For clam farming.  Or, I was farther out than I thought.  Just after I took the picture, a manatee surfaced.  Just once.  Giving me the Florida Trifecta for the weekend.  Alligator, dolphin, manatee.


Shell mound on the unnamed key (as far as I know) south of Scale Key

It was very land. I was ready to land. But, it was low tide.  So, instead of landing and having to drag or carry the kayak a long way, I kept paddling.
 Wreck in the Number 2 Channel high and dry
Oyster reef I paddle over at high tide in search of roosting spoonbills.
Low tide means wading, not roosting.
 Exception that proves the rule

See the pink dot? Spoonbill in flight

I knew I'd find spoonbills









 Landed at Cemetery Point.  Figured eating lunch would give more time for the tide to come in
Just a sample of the hundreds of fiddler crabs.
 The Point
 The Cemetery
 Boat graveyard

 Back in the yak
 Fiddler crabs







Landed at 4:10.   The tide was in.
 Ready to leave. Well, not ready, but I don't get paid for kayaking and sharing these Tales.  I will not reject donations.

I'll be back.

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