Sunday, August 10, 2014

Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge, Sanibel Island

Myakka River State Park is about 100 miles north of Sanibel Island.  I thought, as long as I am this close, I may as well make a visit.  Besides, summer rains don't have as much as on effect on the Gulf of Mexico as they do to a River.

 Cabin tour


 As I loaded the car, I walked out to the Cabin Road to see it there was anything interesting.  Nothing on the Road.
The deer herd was atop an camp ground septic system.  I would have had a better view if and RVer, emptying the poop from his rig, had not shouted, HONEY! COME TO THIS SIDE!   The deer bolted.
 Thank goodness for zoom.
Rabbit as I left the Park, 7:42
Roseate spoonbills, Wildlife Drive, Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge, 9:46.  I bought this year's Duck Stamp on the way in. $15.00.  My fourth, and subsequent visits to Wildlife Refuges will be free until the end of June, 2015.
 Before making the decision to go to Sanibel, I checked the archives to see if I had seen spoonbills in August.  I had.
And did again.

 On the water at 10:08
 Only bird, a cardinal. Until I reached the SSS. Secret Spoonbill Spot.
The opening picture is from there.  As are these.
In the summer, Refuge waters are kept at a higher level than they are in the winter.  When migratory birds visit and feed.

High water means I could paddle out to the islands across from the Observation Tower

Snowy egrets flew across the water to loin those already on the islands





Paddled a bit past the Tower until it got too narrow.

Back at the SSS

 Thanks to the high water, I was able to paddle where I had not paddled before.
The spoonbills were where I always see them.  When they are at the Secret Spoonbill Spot.

 Seeds are inside

 Pine Island Sound

Turned back at the power line


About to land.
 Had to avoid a pair of fucking horseshoe crabs
In the fornicating, not the pejorative use of the word.

Went to a condo complex I know.

The above pics are from the end of the boardwalk.  I then went and sat poolside for a little over an hour.  Better WI FI than at Myakka River State Park.
 I then took a short walk on the crowded beach. 


It was too hot to stay longer.  With no place to take a break with AC, well, I could have gone to a restaurant, or something, I sought the AC of my car and headed home.  I'll be back in December.  If not sooner.

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