Saturday, August 9, 2014

Myakka River State Park, Day 2

Hoped to catch the sunrise from the Canopy Walkway. But out the door after sunrise, 7 AM. I think sunrise was 6:58.


At the Park Road bridge, 7:05
10-15 turkeys

Not chickens, so I do not know why they crossed the road.
Off the bike, headed to the Canopy Walkway

Walking through the branches, aka, canopy.

Tower top

Always good to see a rainbow without rain

Back on the ground.
And bike, hawk on Powerline Road

I was wondering where the deer were.



Five of them
Gator at the bridge.

Little Cabin in the Swamp. Not as swampy as it was last August. This is the fourth time I have been in one of the five cabins in the last year. I wonder if there was a cancellation, as I made my reservation on Monday, as in 4 nights before I arrived on Friday.

Had breakfast, bagel and bratwurst. Not just any brat, but Johnsonville cheddar cheese and bacon flavored. Talk about adding to the already perfect food. Although, just having read the ingredients, it is only bacon flavor.

I had picked up a Wilderness Permit during the morning bike ride, and was on the River, launching from the Park Bridge pullover, at 9:30.
Paddling down stream

Tri colored herons would prove to be the bird of the day


Red shouldered hawk.

I was almost to the State Highway 72 Bridge when I realized my Wilderness Permit was in the car. I did not turn back.



I need to check if crested caracaras have two toned wings. If not, this is just a vulture.
Lot of marsh mallow in bloom


Entering Lower Lake Myakka

Coming down, the current was swift. Which meant it would be swift on the way back. Against me. So, I did not paddle south across the Lower Lake.
I did paddle north. This area is often land. Or at least reedy marsh


Back to the River


Tri colored herons have the brownish tint when young. It becomes blue when mature

Blue heron
Saw very few gators. Lots of room to hide with the high water.


 Wind at my back, non- threatening clouds, life is good.




Landed at 1:00.  Went to the rental concession.  Ate a sandwich at one of the picnic tables under the building.  Out of the sun.  Accessed the slow WI FI.  Back to the cabin when it got too hot.
 Back on the River at 4:45.  Launched from a little picnic area between the bridge and the Canopy Walkway.  Waded, paddle in hand, testing the depth.  I knew it drops off quickly. Found the best spot to safely launch.

Paddled up River



 Turned back at the power line.

The same gator


Wildlife hard to find in the high water, so lots of scenic shots

 Canopy Walkway Tower. Where my day began.
Swallow tail kite

Approaching the launch site.  A car on the road stopped, and reversed.  What did they see?
 Perhaps this alligator.  Who was on the bank.  The only alligator I saw on land all day. 10 yards from where I launched.  Where I walked and waded testing the depth and drop off
I did not land.

 Because I wanted to keep paddling.
But, not for long.
 Landed at 6:54
Gator pics from the shore.
 Still there when I left.
To the Outpost, downloading photos, taking more.
7:35, on the bike

To the Bird Walk

 No birds seen

Perhaps the sun blinded me to the birds.

Off the Bird Walk, on the bike.


 Not a bad ride.
Back at the Outpost.  The only paddlers I saw all day were renters coming in and out of the canal.  That was earlier, the concession had been closed for hours when I took this picture.
Sun set, full moon out, time to go back to the cabin for dinner.








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