Friday, September 26, 2014

Haulover Canal

Haulover Canal, after work,  That's the Indian River, above.
 On the water from the stony launch at Bair's Cove at 6:30
A light drizzle fell

A lot of rain has fallen in the last few days.  The land between Haulover Canal and the natural cut is almost gone in one spot.

A manatee surfaced as I approached the Indian River.  To anglers at the end of the Canal said they had just seen a bobcat.  Walking on the bank towards Mosquito Lagoon.  I turned around.  Chances of seeing it on the narrow bank between Haulover and the natural canal had to be pretty good.  Went back to the spot where they are inter mingling.  Did not see it.



Many, many birds headed to Mullet Head Island. Flocks of great egrets, tri colored herons, cormorants, ibis, and more.

Hard to get sharp images in low light



 No spoonbills, or white pelicans.





Dead trees go well with sunsets


I stayed on the water after dark to experience bioluminescence.  Tiny creatures in the water, when disturbed, create a white light.  It starts slowly, a faint glow around the paddle blade.  As darkness takes over, each dip of the paddle produces a Rorschach test of white water, spinning, flowing, disappearing, until the paddle dips in the water again. The opposite blade, white drops falling on the water, a fairies' trail. Too bad I can't get pictures of it.  Glowing wake from the kayak cutting through the water.  Fish are found by their trail in the water.  It was a great night for it. The best I have seen in a long time.  If not for a noisy tour group, it would have been perfect.
Or, if I had been able to get pictures of the dolphins feeding under the drawbridge. Water lighting up as they chased their prey. Not to mention a manatee swimming by.

Landed at 8:40 at the Bair's Cove ramp.  I like using it a night instead of the dirt road on the other side of the Canal.  Lighted, open 24 hours, and only a few night time anglers using it.  The clouds cleared and I saw the stars and constellations as I loaded the yak.  To top off an almost perfect paddle, very few mosquitoes.

1 comment:

Well, I tried to allow Anonymous postngs. As soon as I did, I had the same problem with the same person/spammer posting comments. One jerk spoils it for all. So,you'll need to register to post a comment.