Saturday, September 27, 2014

Rock Springs Run

You have heard of staycations.  I am enjoying a stayend this weekend.   Beginning Friday night at Haulover Canal.   Today, Wekiwa Springs State Park.
 Pulling the kayak down the hill at 7:15.


 Get your own kayak, bucko!
On the water at 7:30







Rock Springs Run.  Time for the up stream paddle




Turned back at 9:30

Camera stopped working.  Would not turn off. Unless I opened the cover and removed the battery.  And, the zoom would not work unless I took a picture, and then zoomed.  Repeat of Labor Day weekend.


 Young yellow crowned night heron


This is better

Good thing for me the buck hung around as I fiddled with the camera.
 But, not for long,








Part of the Run was ablaze with cardinal flowers


 For most of the morning I saw just one other person.  Saw him twice. First, as I headed up Rock Springs Run.  Just before I turned back, up stream of Big Buck.  The campsite, not the big buck I saw. Again as he paddled up Run.  I told him he was doing it the hard way. "Don't like the twisty part, was his reply"
Traffic picked up as I neared, and on the Wekiva, but not terrible for a weekend.




Landed at 11:40.  The young man at the canoe beach asked how it was with the crowds on the water. I told him, for a weekend, not bad, and 2/3 of the canoes and kayaks I saw were from Wekiva Island, a private concession, not the State Park. The worked told me 40 boats had gone out. So far.   Many must have gone down River past the confluence with Rock Springs Run, so I did not see them.

Took a break half way up the hill to eat a pear.  And walked over to the new little museum and shelter.   Chatted with a volunteer,  Noreen.  Asked what her last name is.  She told me and I said I knew her fellow volunteer, Joanne.
On the Park Road



 On foot


45 minute walk to end the outdoor part of the day.  Found the Badger game on the radio as they were playing South Florida.  Home in time to see Melvin Gordon's 2nd TD run.



  1. Beautiful buck! I have to wish that he were a bit more skittish of people, with hunting season upon us.
    Was that a dead deer in the water?

  2. Yes it was. At the spot where the little shelter was a few years ago.


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