Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Cedar Key Sunday

Last day of my Christmas weekend
 Overcast morning.
 I had thought of doing  a sunrise paddle, but as there was not a visible sunrise, I went for a walk.










Either right before, or right after taking this picture, I sustained an injury, which, as I write two weeks later, is finally healing.  I stepped off the curb,  expecting a flat landing.  Only to step on a speed bump. Next thing I know, I'm  lying in the street.  Left ankle hurting.   Scrapes on my right knee are gone.  Still have a scab  on my right elbow.

No sympathy from Frosty

Fog did not keep this kayaker off the water.

Walking warmed up my ankle.  It stopped hurting.




 When I was a kid, we would go to downtown Milwaukee and look at the "Christmas Windows"  Displays in department store windows.  I suppose that doesn't happen anymore.







Santa was ready to go. I needed the eat breakfast, and pack.
 Not to mention, make an entry in the room log.  Looks like people are too lazy, or can't write. No entries since my long birthday weekend.
On the water at 11:30.


Astena Otie eagle
 Snake Key
 No horizon
Low tide, so I was far off shore from the Astena Otie eagle nest tree

See the eagle?



Bald eagles at Snake Key





 Dolphin, below pic
 Another one




Taking a look at Steamers.  I would be inside, later.

Landed at 3:10.  Took  break on the beach for about an hour. I think I was able to get online and post a few pics. But, that was 15 days ago, so who knows what really happened.

 Into the Number 2 Channel

 Just went in for a peak for spoonbills, and came out.

Not sure if there was an eagle in the Scale Key nest






 As was the case all Christmas weekend, I landed just before 6.
The speed bump that got me.  Need to slow down those golf carts.

Too much Lion blue in the stands at Lambeau, if you ask me.  Like last season, I watched the Pack win the division at Steamers.  A bit more relaxing than last year.  When they had to win to make the playoffs.  On 4th and 6 with under a minute left.

A bowl of clam chowder and  Swamphead Brewery beer.  Forgot which one it was.  Steamers has about 6 on tap.  I asked for one in the mid range of alcohol content,  as I had a 150 mile drive ahead of me.
Lobster mac and cheese.  Disappointed at first, as once the bit top was done, I thought the lobster was gone.  But, kept finding chunks as I kept eating. In communion with my Cheesehead brethren.  Not to mention having a bum left wheel, like Aaron Rodgers.
Last photo of the weekend, 7:51.  Headed home, thinking, why didn't I ask for the Friday after New Year's off.  That would be the first thing to do at work, Monday.


  1. Just glad I did not sprain my butt. As kayaking is a sit down activity.


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