Saturday, December 27, 2014

December 27, 2014, Cedar Key

View from the balcony at 7:20 AM. Below, the eagle came later



In the kayak at 8:35


Paddled to Atsena Otie

 And on to Seahorse Key.  I had seen on both the Cedar Key Chamber of Commerce, and the Cedar Keys National Wildlife Refuge's websites,  that is was an Open House Day at Seahorse Key.  Which, other than the beaches in non-nesting season, is closed to the public.

I wondered where the usual tour boats were as I made the crossing.


 I opened the gate. On past visits, I have arrived just a people were coming down to open it.
By now I began to think, maybe this is not an open house day.

Lighthouse door was locked

Kind of neat being the only one on the Key.
It is a laboratory for the University of Florida.  So, on a Saturday between semesters, was vacant.

If anyone asked me what I was doing, I'd say, What, this is not an open house day?

No one was there to ask.

 Low tide, so  good walk and pull to yakable water


Had to keep far out to sea as I circled Seahorse Key

Due to low tide






 Good to have zoom


As  long as the eagles were willing to pose, I was willing to take pictures.

 One left
And came back. The opening photo.


Lighthouse dock area

I did not land,  this is maximum zoom
 Actual view up the hill from the water
 One eagle was still there

 Noon, a beautiful beach, good time and place for a sandwich

 A tour boat went past.  I asked, "I thought this was an open house day" "It was  but they changed it and didn't tell anybody"

Headed back to Way Key






Landed at 1:35
 Back on the water at 3:20
 Atsena Otie Key
 Eagle. See the whiteish bump in the above pic?  It ducked in the one below




 Number 2 Channel








 Ducked under the spider








 Landed  just  before 6.
Dinner at 7. Takes a while to decapitate, devein, and shuck shrimp.  Clams, too.

Went out to look at the Christmas lights

City Park

 Gotta love the dolphins

and, manatees


 Walk down 2nd Street






The above photo is a horse drawn carriage.
 Reflections at the inner harbor

Black crowned night heron on a dock. You'll just have to believe me.


Last pic of the day. From the balcony, 11:10 PM

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