Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Sanibel Day Four

On the beach before the sun came up on Tuesday, December 16, 2014.


Pelican cab



 Sunrise 7:08




Danged underwear

All about shells
 After breakfast, in the kayak at 9:30
 I put in at the first launch site on Wildlife Drive, instead of my usul spot, the second site. Good to mix things up during the week. 



This was only the second or third time I have put in here.



There are several ways to go. Twisty creeks, opening into "lakes".   Pine Island Sound out there, somewhere. I should get a chart.




 Important sign. Not just for what is says, but where it is.  In sight of the launch site.  I tried to stay within a turn or three of it.


I have knack for going the wrong way not once, but two or more times.

Lets me see more
 Landed at 10 past 12.  The blue heron was in front of the landing.
 The tri colored heron was taken from the car.
The yellow crowned night heron was taken from the bike.  On the Cross Dike Trail.  A short connector from Wildlife Drive to the Indigo Trail.

 Got a flat.  Its a short trail,  4 miles round trip.  I walked back
 I had ridden just over .5.
Back in the car, white pelicans from Wildlife Drive.

 Hidden alligator
Back at the pool, it was good to have an expert advise me on the flat.  Nephew Evan is co-owner of WeCycle Bike Shop in Key West.   He began to remove the tire bare handed.  I gave him a tire bar.  The valve was cracked.  From putting to much pressure on it when filling it.  I then replaced the tube and put the tire back on.  And went for  ride on my other bike. 
 To the old cemetery.
 Nature trail




Did a search for Sanibel River Breakthrough.  Can't find anything. I need to visit the Historical Village.

Bike ride over. Beach walk






 My sister.  Amazing what happens when the hat comes off.  And, I use the Super Vivid setting


Last pic of the day, 6:01 PM

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