Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Sanibel Day Five

Sky looking beautiful from the balcony. 

I was about to go outside when, Olivia, my great niece, came out and asked if she could look for shells with me.  I said yes, but thought it would be a good idea she put a shirt on.  At the same moment, I decided my pajama bottoms might not be appropriate attire.  Sanibel is fancy.
 Properly attired, we ventured outside.   View from the boardwalk to the beach
Miss Sunshine

Breakfast, and I was off to Ding Darling.
 White pelicans from Wildlife Drive
On the water from launch site 2 at 9:40
 Into the "lake"

On to Pine Island Sound


 Wulfert Keys




 Back on the Wildlife Drive side.  There is a three way stop as you leave Wildlife Drive. Look right, there is a bridge. 
This one.


 Wildlife Drive


Bridge ornaments

Residential canal.  I've seen manatee here. Not today.



Always feel like an expert photographer when I capture a belted kingfisher.




 Went to my spoonbill spot, which had been unproductive earlier in the week. And remained so.
 Hidden heron

 Getting busy as I returned to the launch, 1 PM

 Bridges seen from the kayak, earlier.


Evan and the boys
 Also saw dolphins as a group of us walked to Pat and Mike's friends Bruce's boat.


 Niece Meagan soaks it all in.
 Bruce's son, right


 Someone, maybe Jeff B., below, said, "You really get a different perspective out here". I need to get Jeff out in the kayak.


Bruce and son depart 
Two of my favorite things

 Dinner was outside

Olivia and Phineas had a remedy for the mosquitos

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