Thursday, December 18, 2014

Sanibel Day 6

Dave's Yak Tales: The Next Generation
 Decided to see the sunrise from my kayak on Thursday morning.

Bonus. Dolphins











 I waved at Phin and Cannon in 5C.
Another dolphin video


12D  I have a feeling most of its inhabitants weren't up.

16 C. My base






 Landed at 8:15. After breakfast,  I went to 12D and asked Jack if he wanted to go kayaking.  After he finished his cereal, we were off to Ding Darling.
Alligator from Wildlife Drive
 More wildlife. Evan, Cannon, Elena, Aaron, Olivia, Phineas and Camila.

On the water at 12:15 from launch site 2


 Saw the nieces nephews/cousins again

 I lent Jack a camera, as well as a kayak

The opening picture is Jack coming out of my secret spoonbill spot.  Which, as it had been all week, was devoid of spoonbills.


Great blue heron, by Jack Cannon
 Great blue heron, by Dave Cannon
 What Jack was looking at, by Jack.
By me. I've had more practice.

Landed at 8:12.  Jack is a fine paddler.  No whacking the sides of the kayak with his paddle.  Not bad for a guy who had a 100 degree temp and puking 2 nights before.
 Back pool side
Jack and Derek
 Back on the water at 4:10.  From Turner Beach, Captiva.  At Blind Pass

 A bit choppy





Sunset begins 5:33
 I had only paid for an hour's parking, so I landed early.  Just as a Lee County Sheriff vehicle was leaving. Oh, oh.  Ahhh, no parking ticket.




I was not the last one on the water.

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