Friday, December 19, 2014

Sanibel Day 7

If Thursday's Tale with a kayaking nephew is the Next Gerneration, this one, with a great nephew and great niece must be Deep Kayak Two.
Guided by Aaron.

 Up for sunrise.

 Rising at 7:09


















 How I learned about wildlife before the worldwideweb



8 AM as I headed back to the condo for breakfast.  On Fridays, Wildlife Drive is closed.  So, I needed an alternate launch site.  The rental concession on Tarpon Bay is an option, but I do not like the high, $7 launch fee. Many roads on Sanibel end in parking areas, but you need a resident sticker to park.
 One such spot is at the end of Dixie Beach Blvd.  I drove there, unloaded the kayak.  Drove to Jerry's Grocery.  Parked.  Bike back. Just under 2 miles.
 On the water at 10:30. On the tip of Woodring Point





Rookery islands in Tarpon Bay. Brown pelicans in the mangroves.
White pelicans on the oyster bars








 Reddish egret

Yellow crowned night heron


 Juvenile blue heron
Tri colored heron











more to come
Landed at 1:05

Bike to Jerry's.


At Jerry's I thought it would be a good idea to buy something for using the parking lot.  So, I bought cough drops.  Which I needed.  A cold had been coming on for the last couple days.

I had left the other kayak at the condo so others could use it.
 Olivia and Phineas waved and shouted to everyone they saw, "We're kayaking!!"
Olivia's Dad, Aaron, is a fine captain.   He is a fishing guide.  The kids have been on his boat many time.  And Evan and Arlo's boat.  Not to mention, a pair of grandfather's sailboats.
So, seeing their excitement on my favorite kind of boat warmed my heart.
 Conchs, born to, or is it in? the water



 Dinner at Matzaluna's, where Matt B. and Jack had their usual table.
As did Phineas and Cannon.
I had a shrimp pizza.  Should have had the scallop special.  Next time..

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