Saturday, December 20, 2014

Sanibel Day Eight

Sunrise Saturday, December 24.







A short paddle. 30 minutes. Today, Saturday, was check out day. 10 AM.  I said good by, some provisional, as part of the group would be hanging out at the pool until the afternoon, and was on Wildlife Drive at 10:45

 Best spoonbill pic of the week.  A poor week for spoonbills,
 On the water at 11:10

Pelicans through a bridge. Can't paddle on that side.




 Snowy egrets


Landed at 1:05. Drove out, and came back in (Wildlife Drive is one way) to bike the Indigo Trail
Unlike last time, no flat tire
 Off the bike at the Wildlife Drive observation tower

 Juvenile yellow crowned night heron
 A little girl with her parents wanted to leave.  "It's spooky"  May be the horseshoe crabs

Biking back to the parking lot. The Trail is two way.

There is a newer, less well known, observation tower at the parking lot end of the Indigo Trail

As the tower is new, and you can't drive past, it is uncrowded


I had it to myself




The roseate spoonbill photo I spent the week looking for.

 Blue wing teal
Boardwalk back to the parking lot
 Sign for the directionaly challenged.  Like me.
 Derek and Tyler on the boardwalk back at the Shell Island Beach Club
 Brother Pat's family were the last to leave.  Pat was returning the keys. I left, waved and honked to Pat as we passed on Periwinkle
Vacation end

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