Saturday, December 28, 2019

Hontoon Loop

Two of my favorite primitive campsites were available this weekend.  Moccasin Spring, in the Seminole State Forest, and Potts Preserve, on the Withlacoochee River at the mouth of Gum Slough.  Sadly, I have a bad cold.  Thought it best to leave the CoolCamp in the garage, rather than tow it with a foggy head.  So,  I went to Blue Springs State Park. 
The foggy head may have contributed to leaving a backpack with a change of clothes and backup camera at home.  Of course that meant the main camera failed to work. "Lens Error"  As in, will not open.  So, all the photos are with the Olympus TG5, like the manatee, or the phone, like the above, taken at 8:18 as I paddled from the French Ave launch to Blue Spring Run

 A better view

Bald eagle, TG-5
Bald eagle, phone

 Down (north) the St. Johns River

 How people without kayaks get to Hontoon Island State Park

 I do not like this landing.  I checked out sloping spot on the shore, but it was pretty mucky.

I had ideas of taking the hiking trail to the Shell Mound.   But this cold has me wiped out.
So, I sat on a rocker and enjoyed the view. And, hoped no friendly person struck up a conversation.  The cold has taken my voice.  I'm not a little hoarse, I'm a frikkin Clydesdale.

I took on a little water getting back into the kayak. I told you I no not like the landing.  The rails get in the way. Last time I was here was January.  In the canoe.  On a 3 day, two night camping trip.  I got in an out at the boat docks, then.
 Hontoon Dead River.  I have not done the Hontoon Loop since that camping trip.  And, it doesn't really count since I spent the night in one of the primitive State Park cabins

 Woodstork, below.  Not much zoom on the TG5

 When I began kayaking, 15 years ago, you could land here.  It has been fenced off, as a restoration area, for a least 10 years

 Manatee just before Snake Creek

Into Snake Creek

 Snail kite.  First one I have ever (knowingly) seen.
 Snail kite again

 The rangers at Hontoon Island did not know the condition of Snake Creek, or the canals.   They can become blocked with vegetation.  One said, "Two weeks ago, some people complained.  But, they were beginners"
Probably did not know duckweed is easy to paddle through.  Its the thicker stuff you have to avoid. And, do not stop your momentum.

 Alligator TG-5
Alligator phone
I would have a lot more so-so pics, but both phone and camera were running low, and I no spare batteries. 

Back on the St Johns.  

Landed just shy of 2:30 PM.  I had the waters to myself for a large part of the paddle.  Overcast skies made it great for photography. If only I had a good camera.  Missed pics of turkeys.  Photos of a black crowned night heron and a barred owl are not Yak Tales worthy. (And my standards are pretty low).  I think I will go back tomorrow, do the shorter, Snake Creek Loop, and bring back better pictures.

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