Sunday, December 29, 2019

Snake Creek Loop

I returned to Blue Springs on the St. Johns River for the second consecutive day.  On Saturday, I did not have my first, or second best camera with me.   The former was not working, the latter, left at home. On Saturday, I did the Hontoon Loop.  Down the St. Johns River, into Lake Beresford, up the Hontoon Dead River, up Snake Creek, back to the St. Johns.  Today, the Snake Creek Loop. Up the St. Johns, down Snake Creek, up the Hontoon Dead River, to the northernmost canal linking the Hontoon Dead River to the St. Johns River, back to the St. Johns.
 On the St. Johns River at 8:24 AM

 Manatees in Blue Spring Run

Unlike Saturday, no manatee came out to visit me.
 Unlike Saturday, the local bald eagle, was not perched near Blue Spring Run

 Into Snake Creek

 In all my years kayaking Snake Creek, I only recall seeing one manatee.
 Until today
 3, maybe 4 in the center of the Creek

 2 more, grazing on the shore.

 Saw the snail kite again.  Yesterday was the first time I ever saw one

 More manatees

 Cheapass powerboaters.  A tent was set up.   There are campsites, and boat camping at Hontoon Island State Park.

 I stopped.

 The snail kite

The snail kite was just before the Hontoon Dead River

 Not the canal. I backed out

 Into the northernmost canal

Canon Elph camera died after this photo. Remaining on the water photos are with the Olympus TG5.

Landed at 12:52.  Last two pics are with the backup Canon Elph. Only 8x zoom, instead of 12.
 I do not recall ever seeing so many cars at the French Ave Ramp.  Christmas Week, and all 3 Florida teams out of the playoff hunt.  Bill, of Wekiva Outfitters told me he has seen more.
Line waiting to get into Blue Springs.  If they were coming to see manatees, they may have been disappointed. 80 degrees.

My cold was worse.  A little,fever too.  No appetite.  After a stop at Publix, I went home and took a nap until 6 PM.  Feeling a little better, now.

Camera still not working.  Will have to find my purchase info and file a warranty claim with Canon.


  1. Thanks. I like to think fresh air and exercise is the best medicine.


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