Saturday, May 9, 2020

Rainbow River

 Third straight Saturday paddling up a spring fed river to former road side attraction, turned into State Park.  Silver River, Weeki Wachee River, today, Rainbow River.
 Only car at Blue Run of Dunnellon Park.  The Park was opened, closed because stupid people were not social distancing, and opened again.

No crowds at 6:49 AM

Swampy's has been using the Covid-19 shutdown to renovate

The anhinga roost


State Park tube takeout.  Some State Parks opened for day use only this week.  Rainbow Springs is not one of them.

More otters. I saw 5 families as I paddled up the Rainbow

K.P. Hole, a Marion County Park, recently opened.  A hot spot for launching inner tubes to float down the River.  They were not allowed, just boats. 

State Park Campground swim area.  Like Silver Springs State Park, the campground is on a separate parcel from the springs area

Entering Indian Creek, aka Rainbow Swamp Springs Run

I refuse to call it the trumpian named given to it by the time share mogul who bought it and blocked access.
Although, the gate has been broken for a while, now.
Only to face a natural barrier.  In the past, I have turned around here.  Today, I exited the kayak and stepped over.
Only to find a new fence.  Could have paddled under, but did not.

I stayed out of the kayak after climbing over the logs, to check out spring run entering the main stream.

Back in the kayak
When I got back to the Rainbow River, people had arrived from KP Hole.  My timing was perfect. Until now, I had only see two boats

Swallow tail kites

Entering the Springs area of Rainbow Springs State Park

If the Park were open, I would land here

The swim area

Now swimming is allowed inside the Park boundary.  The best place I have found to get out, past the sign, is at a big tree on the left bank.  Of course, by now, a crowd had already gathered.  I went just a bit down River.
Got out of the kayak,
Into the River

Floating down River, holding on a 10 foot or so rope as the kayak floated behind me.

Mostly, if I would go under a few feet, I had to be alert not to bump my head on the kayak when I surfaced

I was in the water 10 minutes. Because boat traffic was increasing and the mouth of Indian Creek is a good place to land.  Shallow, firm bottom.  Which attracts way to many people. Kaykers, paddleboarders, motor boaters, way, way, way, too many jetskis.   I asked one of the later what was the point of taking one on an idle speed river.  "Same reason as you"   I did not have the time not inclination to explain being on a noisy, gas using machine is absolutely nothing like paddling a kayak.

State Park campground swim area

KP Hole.  I was surprised rental kayaks were still available, considering who many people were on the water.  The Rainbow River is wide, so that helped to disperse the crowds.  Better than last weekend on the Weeki Wachee, a narrower river

Streamflow gauge

This building no longer has the Tomahawk Lodge sign, complete with Tomahawk.  Unless that blue and red towel is covering it.

The big city

Although I believe restaurants can now have 25% capacity indoor dining, it looks like the work at Swampy's does not allow it.

Landed at 1:00.  A city employee, or maybe it was a county one, was at the ramp to enforce social distancing.  Saw telling folks intent on  swimming they could not.  It, and fishing, are never allowed here.  A huge sign greets you at the top of the ramp.  It is for paddle craft and a tube take out.  There are lots of criminals, or illiterate people in Dunnellon.

There is a short, 2.5 mile paved path that has a trailhead in Blue Run Park.  I had never been on it.  Due to back issues, I left my bike at home.
Peak down a side trail

Rainbow River view

The highlight is a bridge over the Withlacooche River

When I first paddled the Rainbow River, which happens to be the first time I paddled my own kayak, I paddled up the Withlacoochee to get there.  An old, dilapated railroad bridge is the foundation of this bridge, finished in 2016.   Back in 2005, Blue Run of Dunnellon Park was a dirt lot.

I always hope trail planners put benches in good spots.
Black crowned night heron.

This bench passed the good spot test,

On the trail for an hour.  With plenty of lingering time.

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