Friday, May 8, 2020

Little Wekiva, Wekiva

I thought of going to Cedar Key for the weekend.   But, my back is sore, so I thought a 150 mile drive and sleeping in a different bed would not be a good idea.  So, what would be a good close to home, 5 hour paddle?  

I decided I would use the services of Wekiva Outfitters and do a downstream, Little Wekiva and Wekiva River paddle
Bill of Wekiva Outfitters unlocks the gate. One of two.  They have an arrangement with the property owner
I was the only passenger in the van.  Sat two rows behind Bill.  We both wore masks.
Having just paddled the low Wekiva River the day before, I was prepared to walk in spots on the Little Wekiva.

Underway at 3:21

I had to take my paddle apart and push a couple times, but never had to get out of the kayak.

Blue heron above, yellow crowned night heron, below

Old logging tram.

Deer stand?  Seems low.  Sleeping platform for camping?
Maybe. Truck rim fire ring.

Into the Wekiva at 5:18

Neat looking new bird.  No idea what it is.  I did see an ever brighter yellow bird. But, no photo of the prothonotary warbler

I wanted to find Twin Mounds, so I took the less traveled channel, on the west side of the Wekiva River.

Twin Mound, ahead. I did not go over the log.  Paddled back, to a less desirable, mucky landing.

The tree has been down for over a year.  I think very few people visit this site. I found it, years ago.  Paddling, saw shells imbedded in the bank.  Looked interesting, so I landed.  Two fairly large middens. The Twin Mounds. Saw a horse back rider.  Went to where he was. Found this short boardwalk with interpretive signs about the mound builders. Have never seen any one since.  It is a long hike, or ride, how long, I don't know, from wherever the trailhead is in  Rock Springs Run State Reserve.  There have been many times I have tried to find it from the River, and failed.

Had to paddle upstream for a bit to get back on the main channel.

If the photo below looks a bit like one six shots above, it is the same view.  I had paddled around an island. Not on purpose.  Had I not, I would not have the gator photos, above.

Wekiva Falls
A year and a half ago, I paddled over that bridge.  Hurricane Irma high water.

Arrived at Wilson's Landing at 7:53

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