Thursday, May 7, 2020

Zooming down the Wekiva

I think my sisters are bored.  They suggested a siblings zoom happy hour at 5PM today.  One brother said an hour later was better for him.  I said, that was better for me, too.  At 5PM I would be driving.  At 6PM, I could possibly join from my kayak.  6 EDT, it was.
 Launched from Katie's Landing, which reopened Monday, at 5:27
Water level is as low as I have ever seen it.  Could not get into the alternate channel

The former Wekiva Haven

Low River

6 PM came and got on Zoom.
The sound quality was better than my work meetings.   I lost connection, got back on with only sound, probably hit the wrong button, turned off the phone to reboot, by that time, it was over, I think. It was nice to see 4 of my siblings, and hear, 5.  One was driving, another could not make it.

WHOA!  A spring run?  Never saw this before.
Went a little down the Wekiva, then came back to check it out

Got out of the kayak, and walked up the Run. Or, the forest near the Rum

A path, more than a deer trail
A bit of trash, the below remains of a fire, higher ground to the right.... this is the illegal camp site.  I had not recognized it, being mesmerized by the spring run.  Which in 15 years paddling the Wekiva River, I had never seen

Landed at 7:56
It was nice to visit a State Park, from land again. Have been on the waterways of several, during the pandemic

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Well, I tried to allow Anonymous postngs. As soon as I did, I had the same problem with the same person/spammer posting comments. One jerk spoils it for all. So,you'll need to register to post a comment.