Sunday, July 12, 2020

Suwanee River. White Springs to Woods Ferry River Camp, Saturday, July 11

White Springs
I had the crazy idea of  a kayak "camping" in Florida, in July.  Camping in quotes, because real camping is in a tent. I would be in a screened platform.  With a ceiling fan. I reserved the free platform on Tuesday.  That same day, I called the Canoe Outpost.  No shuttle would be available until 11 AM, Saturday.  Oh well, I would save money on a hotel and make the 3 hour drive in the morning.   Just before going to bed, Friday, I looked at my phone.  A message.  From the Canoe Outpost.  The 9 AM shuttle from the Outpost to the White Springs boat ramp would be available.  I was there before 8:30.   The Canoe Outpost has an Adventures in Florida sticker on the window.
I was the only person, besides the driver in the shuttle van.  Same driver I had back in October, when I was picked up in Branford, after 5 night trip.
I have launched at White Springs once before.  That day, I went up River, to Little Shoals.  River flowing to fast to do that today.
Headed down the Suwannee at 9:35.

The day I paddled up to Little Shoals, I also went down River from the launch on Highway 41 before turning back.  So, after 30 minutes or so this time, I was on a section of the Suwannee I had not paddled before.

The Suwannee is high.  Not as high as it was a few weeks ago.  Tropical Storm Cristobal dumped a lot of rain in the Okefenoke Swamp.   Where the Suwannee is born.  Flood stage a month ago.

Remnants of the spa at White Springs.  Built in 1908.  Replacing a wooden building

Pavilion at Stephen Foster State Park

Landed at Stephen Foster

After a long walk to find an open bathroom, I went to the pavilion I had seen from the water
Found the switch for the fan, and ate half a sandwich.  A lot more fans the last time I was here. 2019 Florida Folk Festival.  2020 was canceled.
Took a walk along the River

I was at the Park almost 2 hours.  It was a long walk to an open restroom.   Several are closed due to Covid 19

Spring hunting

I was out of the kayak, and wondered if the rail below marked private propetry.

Not private, the Florida Trail.

Stephen Foster has a lot of frontage on the Suwannee.

Arrived at Woods Ferry at 5:10. My first time here. But, I do know, when the water is lower, there is a beach you can land at.  With a couple kayak racks.  Which were almost completely submerged.

A wheelbarrow to transport gear.

Picnic shelter
My shelter
2 of the 5 were empty.

After dinner walk

The site has been used for thousands of years.
Showered after the walk.  Worked up a sweat as walked back.  Sweating as I lay down to sleep.  By the time I woke up, I had put on pajama bottoms, a long sleeve shirt, and a short sleeve over that.  So, yes, it is possible to "camp: in the summer, in Florida.

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