Friday, February 26, 2021

Rock Springs Run

 First, an email sent to Florida State Parks when I got home.

Wekiwa Springs State Park Kayak/Canoe launch. or, Killing flies with an H-bomb. 

Last Friday, I would have wrote, with a sledge hammer.

Apparently, a vehicle or two has tried to drive down the dirt path from the parking lot to the canoe beach at Wekiwa Springs State Park.  Last Friday, there were two new, split rail fences on the hill.  One at the top, the second, before reaching the restroom.  Easy enough to get around, when carting the kayak down the hill.  As I have been doing since 2005.  I have been visiting the Park since 1989.

Today, at the bottom fence, the huge tree in the picture.  When I got to the canoe beach, and spoke to the concession ladies, they said the park wants people to park at the far end of the parking lot, and transport their craft all the way from the picnic area.  A much longer portage.

A serious question.   Have you ever had to carry your kayak or canoe down, and up the hill?  Because I think, if you have, you never would have done this.  A few orange cones and a sign would be sufficient.  I know people can remove cones, the concession ladies said a pillar was removed by one knucklehead.  But you should not make things so difficult for the vast majority of people.  

Please, remove the tree.  If you think a fence is required, put one up with a gap.  That a person with a kayak can fit through.  Or, just a "No Vehicles" sign.  Ticket, fine, and ban for life, those who ignore it.

Thank you for your time. 

Here are the email addresses. Add you voice. :,


Now, back to our regular scheduled program. On the Wekiva at 4:07

84 degrees, it was busy.

Rock Springs Run

Landed at 6:30.  Took the boardwalk route up the hill.  Not a real option at peak times, due to crowds. 
The kayak moon.

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Well, I tried to allow Anonymous postngs. As soon as I did, I had the same problem with the same person/spammer posting comments. One jerk spoils it for all. So,you'll need to register to post a comment.