Saturday, January 8, 2022

Hillsborough River


On the water at 7:45

Paddling up River

Vulture Alley. There are hundreds on this part of the Hillsborough

Knee deep

The below picture had 4 pigs nearby.  I can see one ear.  Can you?

Morris Road Bridge and Morris Bridge Park

Always good to see roseate spoonbills and I would see an abundance of them, this trip

First gator pics of the day

The River Advisory warns of obstacles ahead.  I continued up River to the first obstacle.  After 8 or so miles from my start at Trout Creek Park, time to turn back.

Landed at Sargeant Park at 

Lunch on the dock

The rental concession, Canoe Escape, has not been operating since October.  According to its Facebook page, illness, and hiring issues due to Hillsborough County demands are the reason.  I remember the owner telling me about his struggles with the County the last time I was there.   He bought the business from the former owners, just before Covid hit.  Poor guy can't get a break.    From my selfish perspective, it is nice having no renters on the River.     But, I would give that up  to see him back in business.

Back in the kayak
John Sargeant Park is at the confluence of the Hillsborough and  Flint Rivers.   I made a short trip up the Flint to see alligators.

And birds

Back at the cofluence

Down the Hillsborough


OK, Talegators, what kind of ducks are these?

Old tramway across the Hillsborough

Spoonbills are pretty awesome

Another. more prominent old tram way. Used for logging in days of yore.

I know, I know. A lot, maybe too many, photos. But there is so much wildlife, and scenery, on the Hillsborough.
There would have been even more pictures had I paddle up Trout Creek before landing at the eponymous Park, but I had been on the Rivers for 8 hours.

And, I wanted to get a bike ride in.  

Trout Creek, from the bike

A buck  crossed the trail in front of me.

I had a flat a half mile from the parking lot.  I have a new pump, one that you have to pull out some little pieces to switch from Presta to Schrader valves.  I could not figure out how to do it, so I walked. 
I have had this type of pump in the past, and know there is a little rubber piece.  That you reverse, depending on the type of tube you are filling.  I thought it fell out.  A couple days later, I pried it out with a paperclip.
Back at the car, 5:40 PM. I was on the water at 7:45,so  a 10 hour day.  I got my money's worth.  Actually, I did not pay the $2 entry fee.  The machine was not working. I told a ranger, back at 7:20 AM

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