Sunday, January 9, 2022

Wekiva River State Park, Rock Springs Run

On the Wekiva at 9 AM

Into Rock Springs Run

Buck on my right

Took a picture of this bench because I planned on being here later. On foot. 

Buck on my left

One of 3 more bucks on my left. I have not seen 5 deer in one trip on Rock Springs Run in years. 

I turned around just past the 4 mile sign. Which, if you have not been on Rock Springs Run before, probably will not see. Largely obscured by a fallen tree.   

No alligators were seen

Landed at 12:40  Ate lunch at the picnic area near the kayak launch parking. It was busy.

Bike ride to the Sand Lake Trail head.

On the Mill Creek Loop Trail.   I have done this often enough that I don't need a map. Which the Park no longer supplies. Which sucks. They expect you to download an app.  Hey, pay for my minutes.

It is well blazed.

Thinking the old wood bridge can't support the weight of Park vehicles.

Pygmy rattle snake.  It raised its rattle, I wanted to get video.
Of the rattle, not it sliding away. Oh, well.

View from the bench I photoed from the kayak

Big Buck Campsite

Trespasser.  Unless, they had permission, and were searching for a missing woman who was last seen at the Park.  I saw the vehicle, at the Otter Campsite, when I was kayaking. 
The Mill Creek Loop is 3.1 miles. 2 miles biking the Park Road took me back to the car. 

Back at the car, time to snorkel.

Got home, had enough time to cut the lawn.  It is small. 

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