Monday, January 10, 2022

St. Johns River at Blue Spring.

On the St Johns, from French Avenue, at 8:19.  Saw deer for the 3rd consecutive day as I drove to the boat ramp.  A single buck, in my rear view mirror

A rather large manatee came out of Blue Spring Run and checked me out.

After a barrel roll, it put the kayak on its back and moved me away. I got the message and moved on.


Entering Snake Creek

Just the second manatee I recall seeing in Snake Creek.  A waterway I first paddled on March 30, 2005.

Did not see any alligators.

Back on the St. Johns after paddling up Snake Creek for about a hour before turning back. If there are any blockages, they are farther down stream

Bald eagles are frequent winter residents at Blue Springs.  

Looking regal
Until, it pooped

Landed at 10:34.  About 30 minutes earlier than planned.  But that plan included having a change of clothes in the car.  I had left them at home.  So, had to make a detour before going into work at 12:30

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