Sunday, February 6, 2022


The opening photo is not from the kayak.  It is from the Florida National Scenic Trail.  Living up to its name in the Little Big Econ State Forest.

Biking from the Snowhill Road Bridge to the 419 Bridge

5.5 miles, 25 minute bike ride
Used a cart I usually don't use to get the kayak down the hill, earlier. I bent the axel on my LL Bean cart at Wekiwa a few weeks ago.   I don't use the other cart because it does not fit in the hatch.  Today, I was able to put it in the car,

On the River at 9:40

Red tailed hawk?

The Econ is low, but I never had to portage.

One of several runoff  "waterfalls" Where the runoff is coming from with little rain, I have no idea.

It was cool and cloudy,  so I did not see any gators.  Except maybe, at the "waterfall" below.  Two small shapes slid down it. Baby alligators?
I did sew two otters.


Tri colored heron

Is the reddish color caused by a mineral rich, seepage spring?


Lunch stop.

Ate a sandwich as I walked

Florida National Scenic Trail.  On Saturday, I spoke to a woman who hoped to do the entire trail  Began in January , in Big Cypress. 


I assume the sign is for liability reasons

After about an hour, I was back on the water

I used to always see bald eagles on this trip. Have not seen any in a cople years.

Vultures as the Snowhill Road takeout.  

 One taking off from a log. 

Not a log.  A hog.

2, or 3 dead hogs. Not sure if the black item in the below pic is remains, or a trash bag.

One more example of how people suck.

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