Saturday, February 5, 2022

Juniper Creek, and more

 Leving Juniper Wayside after dropping off my bike.   I figured it better to bike at the end of car-bike shuttle instead of the beginning.   That gave me better chance of getting on the often crowded Juniper Creek before anyone else

I was the first person at the Juniper Creek Recreation Area.  Which now has the highest launch fees of anywhere I go.  Over $11.00.  I am not sure if that is on top of an entry fee.  As I have a Springs Hopper Pass, and a National Park Senior Pass 

On the water at 8:30

This is why Juniper Creek is so popular.  It is beautiful

Looking into Fern Hammock Run

A new concessionaire took over, just before Covid hit.  They have neither rentals, not shuttle service.  I have no problem with that.   

Barred owl, below.

Entering the Juniper Prairie Wilderness.  No motors allowed.  No means no.  Fallen trees have to be cut with hand saws.

I saw two deer.  Doe on the left bank, then a bit downstream, a buck on my right. Unable to get a photo of either one.

15 years ago, there was a rickety old dock here. Only worn posts, and one askew board, remain.

The rapids
Formed by a spring that opened up in 2008.  I used to paddle Juniper Creek up and back.  The out put from the new spring got greater and greater, until it is the torrent you see now. My last up stream all the way paddle was in 2009.


The only alligator I saw on a cool, cloudy morning

Turtle in the Creek

Little Sweetwater Spring

Sweetwater Spring. Seeing a head in the cabin window I backed out.  Hopefully this will be the I win the cabin lottery again, so that head will be mine

Landed at 11:44
In the nearly 17 years I have been visiting the Juniper Wayside, I never walked along the power line right of way.

Ate a sandwich as I walked, before getting on my bike.

2 Florida scrub jays across Highway 19 from the Wayside

Morman Branch

This was my first car bike shuttle at Juniper.   Not bad.  More traffic on 40, than 19.  It came in groups, thanks to the traffic light at 19 and 40

.Juniper Spring

.Walk to Fern Hammock Springs

I took a lot more pictures. Of the spring, trails, busted up boardwalk, and more.  All with a faulty memory card
Into Juniper Spring

Next stop, Silver Glen Springs

Manatee with tilapia

I thought the fish were mullet.   A friend said she thought they were something else, so she asked a friend.  Who asked another friend.  And that friend, a scientist the U.S. Geological Survey and The Springs Institute said they are the first documented Atlantic croakers in Silver Glen. I sent him a few photos.  They will be added to the database at the Florida Museum of Natural History

These are mullet. Stripped mullet, I believe.  There are a couple mullet varieties, which is why I thought the Atlantic croaker were mullet.

I went for a long walk across the highway from Silver Glen, on the Yearling Trail. Not realizing the camera was not working. Or rather, the memory card.

Despite that, it was a great day.

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