Sunday, December 9, 2007, I put the kayak in at the Lake County Highway 445 bridge and paddled about a half hour to the Alexander Springs Recreation Area in the Ocala National Forest. As you see, leaves do change in north central Florida. The Creek is clear, thanks to the Spring. And peaceful, motorized boats are not allowed past the bridge.
I also saw an alligator. A fellow swimmer pointed it out to me. A five footer on the vegated bank, about 20 yards away, I continued to snorkel, going to to the end of the swim area, then back to the Spring. The alligator was now swimming. I warily watched, then saw it reassume its postion on the vegatated bank. Apparently there was not enough solid ground to support its tail.
As always at Alexander Springs, I followed my snorkel with a walk on the Timucan Trail, a 1.1 mile half boardwalk, half trail hike through oak hammock and sand pine scrub. Then back in the yak, paddling past the bridge for an undetermined time-I did not have a watch, then back to the Bridge ending a 5.5 hour visit to Alexander Creek and Springs. Here is some of what I saw.
Sunning turtles, swimming otter, limpkin, inside out Great Blue Heron, ibisesesss ( I don't know when to stop), little bitty alligator. And, in closing, fall colors with palm trees.
Thanks for the nice writeup
You are welcome, Anon. You helped me make up my mind where to paddle today, Feb. 7, 2009.
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