Saturday, January 26, 2008 I kayaked the Haulover Canal. The paddle portion of the day is here:
As mentioned in the Green Wave Forum, my day continued after I finished yaking. Here are a few pics.
After the short paddle, I stopped at the Scrub Jay Trail. This is a one mile loop. I had almost completed it, without seeing any name sake birds, when I saw one on the gentleman's cap. I have read that the jays will do this, now I saw it. Other scrub jays were in a nearby tree and several more on the path. In the Ocala National Forest, the only other place I have seen these birds, I never see them on the ground. Then Mr Jayhat pointed out the peanuts on the grass. Left by someone else.
Back to the parking area, I walked along what seems to be a service road/trail along the water Here was some of the best birding of the day. A flock of white pelicans. Unlike brown pelicans, they don't dive for dinner. Instead, they work as a team, corralling their prey. The area was full of roseate spoonbills well.
And herons, and egrets and herons, oh my!Next stop, Black Point Wildlife Drive.
A "veritable plethora of avian varieties" to quote brother Andy.
I ended the day with a walk on the 2 mile Palm Hammock and 1/2 mile Oak Hammock Trails. Saw a wild hog. No bird pictures.
Refuge literature states the area attracts so many species because it is where the temperate and subtropic zones meet
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