There is a large concrete boat ramp just past the entrance. I passed that, opting to drive further down the road to a designated canoe launch site.
A small parking lot had three cars. The water is a few feet away. I got in, and decided to head north, into the wind and moderate chop. I paddled to Turtle Mound, a large Indian shell mound.
"Towering" 35 feet above sea level it has been an aid to navigation since the days of the conquistadors. It was my turn around point. I saw two pairs of dolphins, got a picture of one-top of the page. The Lagoon is a great place for dolphins. And, usually, manatees. Not this trip. Temps are dropping into the fifties at night. Perhaps the manatees have headed to warmer c

Birds were out. Pictured are, Great Blue Heron. Great Egret in flight, cormorant and osprey. Also seen, blue herons, tri-colored herons, belted kingfishers, pelicans, and gulls.
My southern terminus was another shell mound, Castle Windy. Not as high as Turtle Mound, but it is a nice place to land and walk a beautiful half mile trail to the ocean. I got out, began to walk around, the quickly went back to the kayak to get my Deepwoods Off! The name of the Lagoon is well earned. The Off ! sounded half full as I shook it, but nothing came out. I got back into the water.
This is a picture of part of Castle Windy. The Mounds of Mosquito Lagoon consist mainly of oyster shells, in contrast to the mostly snail shell mounds of the St Johns Rivers and its tributaries.
The home is the Eldora State House, a restored turn of the 19th century home. It has been restored and is open visitors. Manatees often hang out near a fishing pier near the home, and a second one just off my launch point. As I noted
above, no manatees, but I think raccoons qualify as aquatic mammals. I landed as the sun was setting over the lagoon, and an young bald eagle watched me put the yak on the car
However, I have an even better alternative. JB's Fish Camp. J B's is located less than a mile from the Seashore. I have not stopped for a while, and thinking I may not be this way again, decided to have dinner. Oyster stew and a half pound of rock shrimp. After two spoonfuls of stew, the bartender said, be careful its hot, you can burn your tongue. Thanks to a well poured rum and coke, I did not feel it- until this morning. Still, the stew is great- for the same price of a dozen oysters you get the oysters in a tasty broth with corn. Being a fish camp, JB's has bait, It also rents kayaks. I had it in my head that it charges $5 to launch your own. I asked my bartender what the launch fee is. For your own boat ? Nothing. I'll have to check it out.
Stumbled onto your website and really enjoyed the pictures. Being from Louisiana I see alot of the same animals. I went to Orlando last summer and spent a day at Discovery Cove where I got to swim with a dolphin. It was quit an experience. Two summers ago I went to Alaska and did some four wheeling in the mountains and saw some awesome wildlife. I also got to go to a beach area where a saw 9 bald eagles having lunch. It was amazing. Hope to see more pix on your site. Would love to try out kayaking some day. Thanks Patti
Glad you like it. Rent a kayak on your next Florida visit and see wildlife up close at a fraction of the theme park cost.
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