I considered not kayaking today, Saturday, March 8, 2008. It was extremely windy. A cold front blowing out of the north. Rock Springs Run is my windy day kayak trip. Close to home, and the thick forest blocks the gale.

It did not seem so bad in the garage, but once I got on the road I considered turning around. The wind was pushing the kayak on the roof, and that was before I got on the Interstate. I stayed in the right lane, driving the speed limit. A big shift, (yak on roof,not gear) something came off the roof. The towel I had under the yak. But the yak stayed on the six miles to the exit. I tightened things up waiting for the light to change, then continued to Wekiwa Springs State Park.
I went up the Run just past half way, then drifted back. Trees swayed in the wind, but blocked it. I was unaffected. Here is some of what I saw. 
The egret was able to veer of before hitting the tree. I also saw two otters, but no alligators. Must have been to cool. I saw another deer during a one hour hike-after which the wind had stopped, so no worries on the way home. It is very nice having the best paddle in Central Florida also being the best option for a windy day.
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