Alexander Creek was higher and darker then usual, Fay's lingering effects.
There was a good crowd at the Spring this sunny September Saturday. But, the Spring is so large, it does not feel crowded. Unlike Wekiwa Springs where swimmers straddle the narrow vent, Alexander's opening is massive.
I was able to get some ok underwater pics, despite being blind- no video screen. Went to Ebay for the first time to bid on a replacement Powershot SD600. Got outbid and the auction closed while I was away.
Back at the Spring, did the usual walk on the Timucan Trail. Freshly cut palm logs off the boardwalk portion. Fallen from Fay, I figure. On the dirt part of the Trail, fallen trees have not been removed. I was able to climb over them.
I left the Rec Area, paddled past the Bridge for 20-30 minutes, returning at 5:20. Here is some of what I saw.
As a beginning kayaker, who has just bought my own used kayak, I think your adventures are fantastic! It seems as if you are really experiencing Florida like few people do.
A few questions I have for you if you've the time to answer:
1. When you paddle up to Alexander (and Juniper), where do you keep your kayak when you go walking? Are you worried about something getting stolen? Do the rangers give you a hard time?
2. How are the bugs this time of year. Last time I canoed down the Juniper (a few years ago) I was hammered with biting deerfly the entire way down and it was miserable.
3. Do you have a hard time kayaking through the river water obstacles in a kayak? For example: I love to canoe down Juniper because the turns and underwater debris is challenging. However, I find turning my 12.5foot (Tsunami 125) kayak more difficult and a pain to portege (hard to get in and out).
Fantastic work you've done!
Thanks for your interest and kind words. Now to answer your queries.
1) I just leave the kayak at the landing/launch site. I take my car keys with me in case some a-hole does steal the yak. If you are worried about theft, carry your paddle with you,or hide it.
Rangers are not a problem. Just have the entry fee cash with you in case they ask for it.
2) Thanks to Fay and all the extra water, mosquitoes are more abundant now. Usually, I have no problem with them when on the water. Perhaps because I'm busy swatting deer flies, which, at least are slow and easily swatted- especially when sucking my body dry.
3) I think people who canoe Juniper Creek are nuts. Of course, if renting from the concession, you don't have a choice. My 13 feet long kayak,is much more maneuverable than a canoe. I can limbo logs that are too low for a canoe bow and stern. I've never had to portage in a dozen plus trips up and down Juniper Creek.
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