Lots of spoonbills on Mullet Head Island. At least 1o. The Indian River is as shallow as I have seen it in 5 years kayaking. Easy crabbing if you're a great blue heron.
I did my usual route. Out to and around Mullet Head, back to the alternate channel, to Bairs Cove, to the Manatee overlook, to the bay near the Indian River, briefly, to peek at the Shuttle launch tower. A short day less then three hours. Wind and mist, much time just spent watching 5 manatees in Bairs Cove. Very docile.
I also saw several manatees transiting the Canal.
Dolphins were much more active, especially the one pictured in the first pic near, "Dolphin Cove"
As mentioned,it was a short paddle,but the day continued. I still had the bike on the car, but gas was a concern, as was weather. The mist stopped, but clouds covered the sky. My gauge dropped near empty as I neared Wildlife Drive. Just past the Drive, I saw a bald eagle in a tree. Gassed up in Titusville, thought of heading back, but then decided to head home, but stop at Orlando Wetlands Park. Located in Christmas, just past Fort Christmas Park. I knew it is closed for a few months in the winter. Would it be open ? It was.
Pictured are alligators, snowy egrets, black ibis and some little bird I can't name. I also saw anhinga,cormorants, great blue herons,great egrets,blue herons, tricolored herons ibis, vultures, moorhens, coots, limpkins, woodstorks and oyster catchers. Hiked over 90 minutes. Did not plan that long of a walk, but did not have a trail map. I was here once before, saw deer that time, only mammals today were racoons. When I signed in, a previous visitor wrote he saw 24 alligators. Beat me by six.
This fantastic spot was a catttle ranch when the City of Orlando bought it in the mid 1980's. A pipe carries treated wastewater 17 miles from the City to the site. Plants filter out nitrogen, phosphorous and other bad things, in one area of the wetlands to another, before a canal eventually takes the water, now with levels of bad stuff below natural levels, to the St Johns River. Good engineering meets good enviornment. Well worth a visit. A lot less crowded then the Merritt Island Refuge. -Until my readers find out.
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