Paddled east into the rising sun. With my flip up shades wedged, inaccessible, between the driver's seat of the Versa and the hump, I was happy when the River turned, putting the sun behind the trees. I wish I remembered where I bought the flip ups. For some reason these very practical shades are hard to find. At least for me. Sunglasses that attach to prescription glasses, and can't be moved, are easy to find. What effin idiot thinks those are a good idea.
The Hillsborough River is wide at Trout Creek. Late in the summer, lots of vegetation. I saw plenty of ibis, blue, green and tri colored herons. All a bit far off, so no pics, other than the one above. Past Nature's Classroom, the River narrows, and is well shaded. Much to my surprise, I saw no birds for nearly an hour, when I finally spotted this cormorant.
Plenty of gators on the Morris Bridge to Sargent Park leg of the paddle. I think it was to early for alligators on the first part of the paddle. More birds than the zero earlier, but no as many as I will see in a month or so. I have found August is the slowest for birds in Florida.
Blue heron Juvenile yellow crowned night heron.
Blue heron.
Saw black crowned night herons, no pics. It was a light Saturday on the Hillsborough. I don't think 10 boats came downstream for Sergeant Park. I arrived at Sergeant, about three hours after I began, and continued up the the River. For 10 minutes or so , until a familiar downed tree stopped me. This part of the River is not kept clear. I came back to Sargeant Park, where a large group of canoes was going out. I'll see them later, I thought, then paddled up the canal to land and take a lunch break. I assumed the Canoe Escape bus would come, my plan was to launch as soon as it pulled up. Canoe Escape is the local outfitter. To my surprise, no bus came. Could have been the forecast 60% chance of rain in the afternoon. I hoped to finish paddling before the worst of the rain.
As I thought I would, I caught and passed, the canoe crowd I had seen leaving Sergeant Park, Plus a few more. A couple kayaking upstream wondering why they had not seen any alligators, saying, "the downstream paddlers must have scared them off" I made no comment, thinking there were a lot less downstream paddlers than usual on a weekend. I had no problem seeing gators, saw the two immediately above soon after this encounter.
Here is my river gauge. Flooded hiking trail. I rained, just a drizzle, but stopped before Morris Bridge Park. Past Morris Bridge, I though I may have the River to myself. And wildlife.
I could not fit this gator in the frame.
It drizzled some more, and again stopped. I arrived back at Trout Creek Park as thunder rumbled. But no rain, so I took a short trip up Trout Creek.
On my return to the Hillsborough the rain began to fall harder than it had all day. Perfect timing as my paddling was over for the day. I saw 25-30 alligators. No rosette spoonbills, for the second consecutive time on the Hillsborough River. I wonder if they leave in the summer.
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