I shoved off just before 8. "Shoved off" is apt, as it was cool, 45, so I did not stand in the water as usual but shoved the yak off the beach into the water. Wore the nylon pants for the first time this season.
One photo from the Wekiva, anhinga. On to Rock Springs Run.
In addition to birds, I saw deer. No photos of the first two or three, these two were more cooperative.
I saw eight deer between Indian Mound Camp and the start of where the big trees again form a canopy over the Run. No people until I had paddled over 7 miles. I was thinking Kings Landing was closed.
I encountered two large groups, and 3 or 4 other paddlers, as I paddled towards Kings Landing. Another deer, in the woods on the left across from the homes near Kings Landing. I continued past the Kings Landing Canal, up the best part of the Run. A woman came down stream, a father and son were pulled up on the bank. The all likely launched at Kings, and were exploring the beautiful up Run portion before turning around.
I have tried to paddle all the way up Rock Springs Run after I did it in Jan. 2008, but there were always downed trees blocking the way. The time I did it, I had to get out of the kayak once to pull it over a log. Today, the way was clear. And not only below, but above. There were several "low bridges" before. Today, I never had to duck. It was to easy. What was not easy was getting a photo of a beautiful buck, even though I had two chances, or maybe three. First, when I saw it. Second as it bounded away. Third after it stopped. I have some photos of high grass. The frost photo on the Tale, my arrival at the end of the line, was taken at 11:50. After a chat with a couple walking the boardwalk, I turned around.
Saw another deer as I paddled down the Run, bringing the days total to 11. My all time record for deer while kayaking, 12 on Juniper Creek, was within sight.
Over the eel grass
This red shouldered hawk was above the limpkin at the State Park sign.
I took a break at my usual spot when I go far up Rock Springs Run. The second island downstream of the Park sign.
Ibis and egrets.
I caught up to them again, taking a break at Big Buck. I don't know how old the kid is, but he's a better paddler than a lot of adults. Quiet, I never heard the paddle whack the yak.
As I approached Indian Mound, a deer, number 12 on the day.
AsS I got closer, not one deer, two. Thirteen on the day, a new record.
I saw only two more people on Rock Springs Run. Another 6 or so on the Wekiva. No more deer. No gators, too cool. I never took the windbreaker, or pants, off. (I had the swimsuit on beneath)
I landed at 4:20, a 8.5 hour paddle. I did not snorkel, no need to cool off. I did not sweat carting the kayak up the hill and putting it on the car. Nor did I perspire as I walked around Sand Lake, then on the hiking trail for 15 minutes, looking for deer. Saw none while walking, but three on the way out, making 16 for the day
He made it! I've been making that run every weekend for 4 weeks (going on ski trip in Jan, need to be in shape!).
The current is pretty swift in the rock springs leg. The mystery takeout/launch/ramp is "Third landing", seems rock springs may have had tubers go from the spring to 3rd landing in the past?
Looks like you had a good time.
Cheers, Bryan
Oh, this is bsski19, different account..
I've got a small 10' or so canoe, PERFECT for wekiva. Maybe one day I'll get a yak.
Bryan, this is the second time I've made it. Thanks for letting me know the way was clear, probably for the first time ever. Before the folks at Kings Landing cleared it, there was no way to get all the way to the tube take out "2nd landing" Even after they did, the first time I still had to make a portage, and on several attempts after that, had to turn around because the way was blocked. Enjoy it while it lasts- until the next storm. I don't know what the "3rd landing" was used for in the past. I've only seen people there once, a Kelly Park lifeguard on break and an Orange County Sheriff.
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