I should say one of two manatees that I saw. Based on later observation, their may have been more.
As I approached the Chasahowitzka Campground, a peleton of bicyclists filled the oncoming lane. Mountain bikes. At the boat ramp, all the accouterments of a race. An adventure race. Paddling, running, and biking. The bikers I saw were just getting started on a 6-8 hour race. Slackers. The real racers were out for thirty hours. Some of them were landing as I was getting ready to launch. Serious types. Paddles that look like cost more than my kayak.
Here's a link to Wecefar, the folks who put on the race "Swamp Stomp" http://www.wecefar.com/swampstomp/
I began paddling into a 15 mph wind. Good thing for the racers, not for me. I bet they didn't expect someone applauding their efforts. As usual on the Chass, I stopped at the spring just up River of Baird Creek. No manatees today. Lots of snapper. To Baird Creek, out of the wind. No wildlife pics on the up Creek paddle, plus part way to The Crack Spring. Here, I'm leaving the run to The Crack, entering Baird Blue Spring
Paddling into the combined channel, also joined by Salt Creek, a feeding frenzy.
Made my way out where Crawford Creek enters the Chassahowitzka. Against the wind, chop, and I picked the wrong channel. The Chass is broken up by several more islands. I had to push my way through a shallow patch. Wanted to get to Crawford Creek, as it has been a place I often see bald eagles. But not this time. I turned around.
More flight. Great egret. And a belted kingfisher.
Back on the Chass, I saw a bald eagle. It flew up the main channel, so I followed it, instead of paddling the way I came. But, it then flew between the islands so I followed it to the secondary channel. I lost sight, then saw it again. And again. Or was it two eagles? If you have forgotten the first picture on this Tale, it was two.
Other than the adventure racers, I saw just one other canoe. A few fishing boats.
This item was on the bank of Crab Creek.
As I watched, 4 people rowed from the dock. One person in one rowboat, three in the other. Two canoes would be more efficent, I thought. But, the single rower had a big camera, looked like a old Hollywood film camera, in his boat. The other boat had a microphone lowered in the water. From their voices, there may be a manatee documentary on German TV.
I checked out the series of small springs just upstream of the main Spring. Another orange and white object, a gallon milk jug. Anchored above the vent I sometimes dive through. Two guys in a canoe were checking it out. Adventure race officals. The orange and white objects were check in points.
Last photo of the day, taken at 4:07.
Another fine, yet cool day, high temp was 50 on the water. Did not go in any of the Springs. Was tempted at the main Spring, but it is not allowed. Boat traffic. Of which thre was none. But for the German film crew, I might have gone in. On the drive home, listened Leo Kotke on the CD. Then the Allman Brothers until 6:00 pm and A Praire Home Companion. With musical guest, Leo Kotke. Garrison Kellior has good taste.
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