Headed down River, thinking of padddling up Baird Creek. But, paddlers entered it before me, and liking my privacy, I stayed on the Chas.
A fairly strong wind was at my back as I paddled to Crawford Creek. An area where bald eagles often perch. None today. It was across the River, at Little Gator Creek.
When I came out of the Crawford Creek, I saw there were now two bald eagles on the other side of the Chas. Two far for good pics, and I wasn't going to paddle any father away from my launch site. Not to worry, I soon saw an eagle on my side of the Chas.
The wind, at my back on the way down River, died while I was in Crawford Creek, making the return paddle much easier.
I kept my eyes and ears open for manatees and dolphins, but did not see any as I paddled to Potter Creek.
Blue heron in Potter Creek.
I returned to the boat launch at the Chassahowitkzka Campground. The first photo is Chassahowitzka Spring, the largest in the area. I paddled across it to the Solution Holes, a series of small, interconnected springs. Great for a swim, but new many people around for my taste. Sol I took a final detour up Crab Creek .
Have you ever gone past Crawford Creek to the start of the open Gulf?
I have gone past Crawford Creek many times, but the open Gulf is a long paddle. Closest I've come was in May of 2009-Paddled well past the Dog Island dock, and the Gulf looked to be a mile or so away.
Thanks for the reply. I have made it as far as the blue sign but had to turn back due to a storm. I got caught in the storm which wasn't fun - more lightening than I've ever seen.
Have you ever explored Stevenson creek? I have not but it looks interesting.
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