My legs are fine after Saturday's odyssey. They only hurt when I walk. Or stand. I added a picture to yesterday's Tale. A trails map from a kiosk. I think I figured out where I went wrong. Or left, instead of right.
Arrived at the Forest, paid the $2.00 fee at the self-serve box, unlocked the gate, locked it behind me, and drove 2.5 miles to the launch site. More people today. One other car, five cyclists, two guys fishing. Yesterday, 3 people. Dad fishing with his kids. Saw them again, later, as I was leaving. I left the launch area at 9:40. Paddled up Blackwater Creek, an alligator growing gustily as I did. Didn't see it, just a trail of bubbles. Saw a deer, big doe. I had just been thinking I don't see much wildlife on this part of the Creek, unless that brown wall is a deer. The wall moved, looked at me, and ran away. This great blue heron flew away. Good thing, as it was perched on a fallen tree I had to go under
Forty-five minutes paddling time, and more downed trees forced me to turn back. This clump of trees as been down since Christmas. The Creek is not cleared upstream of the launch site at the bridge. So, I paddled back to the launch site and beyond. Saw ibis, limpkin, swallow tail kite, wood ducks, pileated wood peckers. No pics of any of those.
Saw two more deer. One larger as their tails flashed as they ran away. Doe and fawn, maybe. I paddled a bit more than an hour down Creek of the bridge. Just past the metal chair on the left. Which had been moved since yesterday. Probably by the three anglers I saw yesterday. No one was on Blackwater today.
Water hyacinth. Pretty, but a nuisance. Unchecked, mats of this weed can, and have, block the Creek. Speaking of pretty, saw a fawn on the way back up Blackwater Creek. I've now seen deer my last three times on the Creek. Before that, I never had. Lots of alligators, but almost all went into the water, most in a big hurry, before I could get a photo. Here's the exception.
Back to today. My favorite insect, riding shotgun.
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