The Ich is higher than I have ever seen it.
"Ever" being since September, 2005. North Florida got a lot of rain a while back. That caused the Suwanee River to flood, which led to high water on the Santa Fe River, a tributary of the Suwanee, which lead to high water on the Ich, a tributary of the Santa Fe, Springs on the Suwanee, from Madison Blue downstream to Manatee, are closed to swimming due to high dark river water. On the Ich, where tubing is limited from the Mid Point Landing to the Last Take Out this time of year, the high water has it further limited from the Mid Point Landing to Dampiers Landing. Upstream of the Last Take Out, Due to "no flow". So much water is coming up from the Santa Fe, it counter balances the Ich's flow.
The gate to the Last Take Out was open when I arrived before 8. Paddling 4 feet over the landing dock, I was on the water at 10 after. Began paddling up River. Much easier than usual
With the high water, I was hoping to see a manatee. Something I had never seen on the Ichetucknee. I thought my chances would be better later in the day, down River from the Last Take Out.
I was very surprised when, not long into the trip, a large group of paddlers came down stream. With a Park Service escort. "Some special tour?" I asked. "Yes" They had seen manatees, 11, said one paddler, 9, according to another, upstream from the Mid Point Landing. Wow.
The Ich got clearer the further I paddled up River. So, a pileated woodpecker saw its reflection.I saw three, maybe more, manatees.
Mill Pond Spring Water levels must have been high the first time I paddled the Ich, as I do not think I have seen Mill Pond Spring since then. Here is how I described it in September, 2005:
Mill Pond Spring had
two separate fountains bursting out of the water. My
best analogy is like boiling water rolling in a kettle
Ruins of mill race. This is a restricted area. The signs are underwater. As was, further back, the fence protecting Coffee Springs. Am I a hypocrite for paddling here? Sure. But, I would not take anyone else in.
Manatee in the Mill Pond Spring Run
Devil's Eye Spring
Cardinal at Mission SpringPaddling up another spring run, I saw two deer.
Blue Hole Spring
Friday night, looking for information on the high water, I went to the Adventure Outpost website. They rent and lead tours and have good descriptions about places to paddle. At least they used to. At least the new website's calender worked. And revealed a tour was going down the Ichetucknee at 10:00 am
Guide's canoe
I arrived at 10:05. Not as bad timing as it could have been as the paddlers had not arrived yet, just their kayaks. There were more headed up the handicap ramp.
I headed to Ichetucknee Spring.
I picked up the garbage can
Had the Spring to myself
Last photo in Ichetucknee Spring, at the steps.
This is new since my last visit. Marker on the De Soto Trail. Following the conquistador's march in 1569-1540
I marched to Blue Hole Spring
Had to wait for a couple of scuba divers to get it. More were in the hole. Made me think of my globe trotting scubaing, surfing, niece
A short run from a smaller spring flows into Blue Hole
It is shallow and narrow, I could have kept going but did not want to disturb any more of the loose bottom.
Which would flow out into Blue Hole, spoiling it for others.
Fence lizard?
Half mile walk from Spring to Spring
Back in the kayak at 11:50 for the down River trip
My spare batteries were in my snorkel gear bag. In the aft compartment. I got the hatch cover off, but could not get it back on. I was able to use my paddle to flip it onto the kayak, so it would not drag in the water. I left the gear bag be, and looked for a place to land, or, at least, stand.
Devils Eye was the place
Time to back the Cadillac (Motel) out of the garage. Off to Rum Island Park to kayak the Santa Fe and spring into some springs. I scouted it yesterday. Rum Spring is clear. The Santa Fe is not as high there as it is down River at the confluence with the Ichetucknee.
See ya tonight.
9:54 PM Sunday. Home from the day's adventures. Now, back to Saturday
Mullet photography was not the reason I held the camera under water
A single sea cow. The best photo leads this Tale.
Line across the River at Dampiers Landing. Tubers are not to go past it due to the lack of any current because of the high water. I did not see any tours.
Co-owner of Adventure Outpost
I overheard 2 of Mr. Anderson's guests talking about Juniper Creek and the many people who tip there,especially in rental canoes. I butted in, saying I had tipped over twice on Juniper Creek, in my kayak. Mr. Anderson said he has too. Makes me feel better.
Back to the Last Takeout at 1:20. I continued down River.
An otter was very content on a floating dock
Until some damn kayaker woke it up
Shifted position, and back to sleep
Santa Fe River, 2:20
It was flashing. I was only on the Santa Fe River a minute or two before heading back up the Ichetucknee
You know the River is high when you look down and say, "oh, I'm paddling over a dock". And the railing that comes up another 3 feet or so
Pilings from a third bridge
Ichetucknee Springs State Park begins up River of Highway 27
Landed around 3:20.
As mentioned, I went to Rum Island to check out the water level at that location for a Sunday paddle
The flood waters had not gone that far up the Santa Fe
On to High Springs, to my lodging for the night. That's a town, not a water source
$54.39 for the night
Worn furniture, the louvred bathroom window does not close all the way, no dead bolt. What you want for 50 bucks? I want a fridge with freezer, microwave, coffeemaker, with coffee, an WI FI. Which it has. Although I lost the internet connection Saturday night, or else this Tale would be finished. The High Springs Country Inn down the road gets better reviews on Trip Advisor, at the same price, but was booked. The road is Highway 441, I made the 1/2 mile walk to Main St. for dinner.
Zooming in on the porch above
Its no Ceder Key, but a nice little town.
From name, to logo, the Great Outdoors is marketed to people
like me.
I asked if I could sell them my oldest leakiest, kayak, to hang from the ceiling.
I asked my bartender if Ed gets any compensation from the use of his name. He did not know. I had two ales, and a cup of chowder.

Shrimp and grits, despite what is written on the plate.
A very good blues band on the Back Porch
Little Mike and the Tornadoes I listened to a few tunes, they took a break, I left.
Nice rack
The sign is indicative of the rest of the motel. A bit worn, but functional. As I was at the end of a long day.
Very cool picture of the pileated woodpecker!
You got some great shots, especially the cypress knees shot toward the end. It was a great day to be on the Ich, and sorry we apparently just missed you!
The Ich is a heck of a place to paddle. I have been there only once, and once at the Santa Fe,and enjoyed it. Had a visit scheduled but my camera died have not replaced it...yet. Your post may be the push I needed for the long drive North.
The woodpecker in the "mirror" is awesome - and the fish at the surface - and the "dog on the porch," I mean otter on the dock... Wonderful pictures :)
Thank you all. Luis, I thought you had two cameras, a fancy one, and point and shoot.
The woodpecker was right place, right time. The cypress knees were easy, as I was standing on the bank, not floating in the kayak.
Both are having issues. We use the point and shoot in our vacation trip and had battery and out of focus issues.
Awesome trip! I have paddled the Ichetucknee for some years, and have never been able to get through the current at the bridges.....the high water made it easy looking.
Doc, it was easy. I say take advantage while you can.
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