Dave's Yak Tales

Cedar Key Sunset

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Rock Springs Run


7:24 AM about to launch from Wekiwa Springs State Park

Down the Wekiva River to Rock Springs Run

Paddling up Rock Springs Run


Big Buck campsite

I was on the water 2 hours 45 minutes before I saw anyone besides campers at the Otter Campsite

Third landing at Kelly Park. There used to be a time when few people paddled upstream from Kings Landing.  Half the time I would try, the Run would be blocked by fallen trees.  When it was passable, you still had to duck under several low, fallen trees. I usually saw no one.  But, in recent years, the rental shop at Kings Landing has cleared the obstacles, and heavily promoted, "The Emerald Cut".  When in the past, 99% of people coming out of Kings Landing would go downstream, now they go up. It is overcrowded with canoe, kayaks, paddleboards.  Tour groups in floating bathtubs.  aka clear kayaks.  The only good thing is, perhaps peole will say, "This sucks"  and not return.

Recent rain has the "Emerald Cut" more brown.

The good think about the overcrowded Emerald Cut, fewer people go all the way down the Run


Pig frog chorus

Battery in the SX40 died after this photo, so I used the Elph for the rest of the day

Landed at 3:30
Taking break on the way to the car.
On the bike

On the feets



Ended the day with a swim in Wekiwa Spring


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